Certificate – Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (CRAV) Course – Ayurveda AIAPGET Alternative)


  • Introduction:

Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth is an autonomous organization fully funded by the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi. It is registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 with the Registrar Societies, Delhi Administration on 11th February, 1988 and functioning at Dhanwantari Bhawan, Road No. 66, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi–110 026.

Prospectus for Certificate of Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (CRAV)

About the CRAV Course: 

The Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth is conducting the certificate course in Ayurveda for the purpose of providing additional hands on training to the Ayurvedic doctors having successfully completed the BAMS degree course. For this purpose the Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth has identified well known Ayurveda practioners having more than 20 years of practice in the concerned specialty. The successful students shall be posted with these Gurus where the students will gain the knowledge and training about the concern specialty through the method of „Guru Shishya Parampara‟. At the end of successful completion of the course, the students will be awarded the certificate (CRAV). The clinical specialties in which the training would be provided include 1. Kayachikitsa 2. Stree Roga and Prastuti Tantra 3. Ksharsutra 4. Marma Chikitsa 5. Bhagna and Asthi Chikitsa 6. Shalakya (Netra Roga) 7. Shalakya (Danta Roga) and such other clinical specialties depending upon availability of the gurus. The BAMS graduates interested in Bhaishjaya Kalpana and Aushadhi Nirman are posted with the reputed gurus having the facility of Ayurvedic Drug manufacturing. The duration of the course is one year during which the students have to attend the clinical and other duties in the concerned specialty as per the directions of the guru. The students have to submit Monthly and Quarterly Report of the work done to the Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth. They also have to write one dissertation on the subject given by Guru/RAV.


The Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth provides stipend to the students to meet the cost of education and living during the course of study. The allocation with the Gurus shall be done by the RAV depending upon the merit of the students in the entrance examination, 250 km distance and his/her Gurus’ choice. The students must understand that the CRAV course is aneducation and training course and not a job or employment, therefore, the stipends should not be considered as salary.

The students should also keep in mind that this certificate course has no linkage with any course conducted by Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) under IMCC Act 1970.


This course involves training in clinical practices and Ayurvedic Pharmacy under the guidance of eminent practicing Vaidyas/Scholars in different parts of the country.


BAMS (Ayurvedacharya) degree from any institution and university included in 2nd schedule of IMCC Act-1970.

Age limit: 

Maximum 30 years for graduates and 32 years for Post graduates . However, 3 years relaxation will be given for OBC candidates and 5 years for ST/SC . Upper age limit will be 35 years for Government sponsored candidates (permanent medical officers working in Central/State Government (not born before 25-01-1988). Additional 5 years relaxation will be given to Physically Handicapped candidates.

Duration of course

One year.


Students will be paid a monthly stipend as decided by Governing Body of RAV and amended from time to time. (AS PER 6TH CPC 15820+DA)


    • 15820+DA

    • DA IS 212% OF BASIC

    • 15820 + 33538

    • TOTAL =49358


Reservation of seats to SC, ST, OBC, Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and Physically Handicapped (PH) candidates will be implemented for total number of vacancies available as per government policy prevalent from time to time. Central government rules on reservation will be applicable. In case of OBCs, candidates have to submit their certificate which is issued as per Government of India guidelines application for Central Government. Only Central Government approved Certificate will be accepted.

Reservation for government sponsored candidates (permanent medical officers) is available. Sponsored candidates will not be paid any stipend and these are supernumerary in nature. This reservation will not exceed 10% of the total number of vacancies available in that year and not more than one such student under one Guru.

Method of Admission:

    1. Selection of students is based on Written Test.

    • There will be a Written Test of 100 single responses multiple choice questions (SRMCQ) from subjects of BAMS course. Each question carries one mark and the maximum marks are 100 and the duration of test will be 1 hour & 40 minutes.

    • Since there is no negative marking the candidates may attempt all questions.

    • Assessment of Written Test is done through OMR (computer) sheets. Invalidation of Answer Sheet due to incomplete/incorrect filling of the answer sheet will be the sole responsibility of the candidate. Please use only Blue or Black Ball point pen to mark (darken) your answers. Pens with any other colour are not allowed. Do not use pencil.

    • In case of equal marks of candidates for a particular guru, the age will be taken into criterion and seniority by Date of Birth will be given preference.
    • Venue for Written Test:

    1. New Delhi
    2. Pune (Maharashtra)
    3. Jaipur (Rajasthan)
    4. Bengaluru (Karnataka)
    5. Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)
    6. Thrissur (Kerala)

Terms & Conditions after admission:

    1. Selected candidates shall have to submit a Bond by self in the prescribed format on non- judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 100/- duly certified by any Magistrate/Gazetted Officers (Only notary certify will not be valid). Students are also required to submit fitness certificate after selection. The admitted students have to complete these formalities within one month after admission. If they fail to submit within the prescribed time limit, the admission will be cancelled forthwith without any consideration.

    • The course includes receiving training and passing the examination.

    • The students are required to send the monthly, quarterly and annual records during their training period as specified in their selection letter.

    • Stipend will be released every month on receipt of the attendance of Shishyas and required study report/record of the patients by 10th day of following month.

    • Guru will conduct the assessment of student every two months of course whether the student is keen to continue the course till final examination. If the assessment is satisfactory then the student will be allowed to continue the course. Otherwise shishya will have to leave the course and refund the stipend along with interest of 12%.

    • The Final examination of the students i.e. Written & Viva Voce will be held at a place decided by RAV.

    • The Shishyas are expected to maintain proper discipline while studying under Guru and to devote maximum time on their study.

    • If the Shishya fails to complete the course within the duration or leaves the study in between before passing of course or his/her studentship is terminated by the RAV consequent upon violation of rules of Vidyapeeth, he/she has to refund the full amount of stipend, which was received from RAV together with 12% interestthereon. This condition shall not be relaxable in any case, which may be ensured by the candidates before applying for the course.

    • The student is required to study/ take training six days a week with a minimum of 8-10 hours study per day under the guidance of Guru, for which daily diary has to be prepared by each student on the prescribed formats.
    • Mere attending the course or visiting the Guru as per convenience of the Shishya does not serve the purpose at all. The Shishya should be attentive and keen to learn the subject/specialties from the Guru.
    • If due to some unavoidable circumstances a Guru retires during the course or the RAV does not require the services of that Guru, the student will be transferred under another Guru of same subject, where vacancy is available. The student shall have no right to object.
    • The students are entitled, in addition to gazetted holidays & Sundays (weekly off), for 15 days leave in a year, including festival/seasonal vacations (summer, winter etc.). For any additional leave, if availed of by the student, no stipend shall be payable for that period. The holidays and Sundays prefixing and suffixing to leave period will be excluded. But the holidays and Sundays coming in between the leave period will also be counted as leave.
    • All passed-out students shall have to attend the Convocation for receiving certificates in prescribed dress code.
    • The student can be permitted to take part in any one National seminar/workshop organised by other institutions related to his/her subject during the course. But, no expenses shall be borne by RAV.
    • The student shall be required to follow the rules and regulations amended/framed by the Vidyapeeth for improvement in the quality of training and discipline, from time to time.
    • Any dispute arising out of any of the inference from aforesaid rules and regulations subject to the jurisdiction of Courts at Delhi.

Final Assessment Method for CRAV Students

The final assessment for CRAV students who have completed their training of one year would be based upon following parameters. The award of CRAV would be based upon the net assessment comprising of all individual components of assessment.

To enable the candidate to get the award, a satisfactory status in all components of evaluation is required. In case of inability to do so, the candidate would be asked to appear in the examination again after a minimum period of one month. During this time if he desires so and if the guru also desires so, he can continue his training at the respective centre but at his own expense and RAV shall not give any stipend for this period.

Assessment Components:-

    1. Internal Assessment
    2. Theory Examination
    3. Monograph
    4. Special Case report
    5. Viva voce
    6. Internal Assessment:

This would be done by the in-charge of the training at respective CRAV training centres. The assessment would be done at the end of the course and would give an overall assessment about the qualitative improvements observed in CRAV student after the CRAV training.

    • Theory Examination:

A three hour descriptive examination would be conducted for all CRAV students upon their completion of course. The questions would be mainly focusing upon the area of their specialized training however some general questions pertaining to Ayurveda or their specialty may also be asked.

    • Monograph:

Every CRAV student, in consultation with his guru / training in-charge, is asked to submit a monograph in the last quarter of their training, on a particular disease condition/ procedure / formulation etc. This monograph should contain the component of novelty and relevance in reference to the contemporary practice of Ayurveda.

    • Special Case report:

Every CRAV student, in consultation with his guru / training in-charge, is asked to submit a special case report in the last quarter of their training, on a particular clinical condition etc. This special case report should contain the component of unusual observations/novelty and relevance in reference to the contemporary practice of Ayurveda. The focus of the case report should be on establishing a particular regimen for treating a particular condition which resulted in high response. The report should also discuss the relevance of choosing a particular regimen for the given condition and how the clinical judgment was arrived referring to pathological state of the disease.

    • Viva Voce:

Following the theory examination, there would be a viva voce for every CRAV student. A panel of external and internal experts may take up the viva voce. The purpose of viva voce is to assess the ability of the student to translate the textual knowledge into a practically useful format of knowledge useful in clinical practice of Ayurveda.

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