IPSA- The Institute for Poly-Scientific Ayurveda, Hyderabad: Apply Now


IPSA- The Institute for Poly-Scientific Ayurveda, Hyderabad: Apply Now

“Merging Ancient Wisdom with Modern Innovation: AI Meets Ayurveda”

🌿 Invitation to IPSA Conference: Blending Ayurveda with AI 🌿

Dear Healthcare Graduates,

NIMA Association cordially invites you to be a part of an enlightening event that merges traditional healthcare wisdom with cutting-edge AI technology. Join us at the IPSA Conference to explore how this fusion can enhance your clinical practice and business growth.

🔹 Why Attend?

Innovative Healthcare Integration: Discover how Ayurveda is evolving with AI technologies.
Docture-Poly: Witness the launch of ‘Docture-Poly’, a revolutionary digital doctor assistant.
Expert Insights: Learn from top experts about VPK Fingerprint Technology and Machine Learning Mastery in healthcare.
Enhance Clinical Practice: Gain knowledge on precision and efficiency in healthcare practices using AI.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow graduates and leaders in Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, and Allopathy.
🔹 Event Details:

Date: November 25 & 26, 2023
Location: Hyderabad
Key Features: Talks, Panel Discussions, Demos, and Networking Sessions.
🔹 Benefits for You:

Enhance your knowledge in advanced healthcare technologies.
Learn to integrate AI for better patient outcomes.
Opportunities to scale your clinical practice.
Be a part of a healthcare revolution.
Let’s embrace the future of healthcare together! Your participation will not only contribute to your professional growth but also to the evolution of holistic healthcare practices.

📞 For more details, contact: 9059008484,9246175767,9701844460,9701158350

🌐 To register, visit: Find the QR code in the Brochure

Join us in shaping the future of healthcare. We look forward to welcoming you in huge numbers!

Warm regards,
Dr. Anil Kumar Patil
National Integrated Medical Association

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