I Bridging the gap in information
- Ayurveda is the holistic medical science promoted through oral tradition.
- It took a long time to bring the science into written form of manuscripts.
- This has led to loss of certain information from generation to generation.
II Foreign Invasion
- Many of the colonial rulers have destroyed valuable manuscripts of Ayurveda which may have had significant impact along with already available literature.
III Lack of preservation technics of Ayurveda Manuscripts
- Earlier developed manuscripts in palm leaf, etc. were susceptible to insects, weather change & would get perished in short durations.
IV Scribal Errors
- The transmitted texts of Ayurveda were not the original texts but were written by scribes under king’s rule.
- Many scribes not having Ayurveda background have made errors while copying the text.
V Emergence of new diseases
- Certain diseases as per the change in time are not matching exactly with the classical diseases.
VI Confusion in Source Plants
- Standardization work on each source plant is necessary for uniformity among practitioners.
VII Non-Availability of certain classical drugs
- Increase in population & deforestation has led to near extinction of important classical plants.
- Substitutes/Pratinidhi dravya is the need of the hour.
VIII New Drugs
- Any new drug not found in classical literature can be researched to fit in the parameters of Ayurveda.
IX Revalidation of Classical Principles
- To verify the facts in classical texts in present scenario.
X Incorporating Technology in Pharmaceutical Processes & Therapeutic Procedures
- This helps in reducing manpower & increasing the yield to meet the public demand.
XI Evidence Based Medicine
- Proper documentation is necessary to meet the criteria of evidence based medicine.
XII Globalization
- Research backed facts are globally accepted & helps in propagation of Ayurveda at international levels.
Scope of Research in Ayurveda
I Ayurveda Samhita & Siddhanta
- Major area: Basic Research.
- Translations & Interpretations of various commentaries.
- Comparison & Critical Analysis of multiple samhita & multiple commentators.
- Exploration of the moola siddhanta such as pancamahabhoota, dosha-dhatu-mala, shatkaarana.
- Ayurveda Manuscriptology.
- Deriving grammatical backgrounds for better understanding of siddhanta.
II Shareera Rachana
Major area: Basic & Observational Studies
Fields of research work can be:
- Conceptual gap bridging in shareerasthana from anatomical considerations.
- Scientific backgrounds for traditional methods of dissection.
- Pramana – Anguli & Anjali.
III Shareera Kriya
Major area: Basic & Observational Studies
Fields of research work can be:
Conceptual gap bridging in shareerasthana
from physiological considerations.
IV Dravyaguna
Major area: Basic, Observational & Clinical Studies
Fields of research work can be:
- Standardization of source plants & varieties.
- Incorporaton of new drugs.
- Pratinidhi Dravya.
- Rasapancaka
- Samanapratyayarabdha & Vicitrapratyayarabdha dravya.
- Annapana varga in today’s scenario.
- Manuscriptology in relation to Nighantu.
V Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana
Major area: Basic, Observational & Clinical Studies
Fields of research work can be:
- Standardization of raw drugs & formulations.
- Innovation of methodology to prepare classical medicines.
- Saveeryata avadhi.
- Efficacious Dose Fixation.
- Modification of forms of classical preparations for easy usage.
- Manuscriptology in relation to Rasavagmaya.
VI Roganidana & Vikritivijnana
Major area: Observational & Clinical Studies
Fields of research work can be:
- Standardization of symptomatology terminologies.
- Practical demonstrations of concepts like ama.
- Pratyatma Lakshana.
- Vyadhi Nidana in today’s scenario.
- Incorporation of new diseases & framing nidanapancaka.
- Tools to assess patients from classical point of view.
- Laboratory inputs & Comparison with classical vikriti lakshana.
- Manuscriptology in relation to Nidana.
VII Prasutitantra & Streeroga
Major area: Observational & Clinical Studies
Fields of research work can be:
- Garbhini Paricarya.
- Sootika Paricarya.
- Apana vata & Labour.
- Yonivyapat in today’s scenario.
- Artavavyapat in today’s scenario.
- Genetic Disorders.
- Sthanika cikitsa
- Natural Birth Control Methods.
VIII Kaumarabhritya
Major area: Observational & Clinical Studies
Fields of research work can be:
- Pediatric Dose fixation.
- Modified formulations for palatability.
- Genetic disorders.
- Delayed Milestones.
- Immunity boosters.
- Infectious diseases & Graharoga.
- Chronic neuro-muscular disorders.
- Bala Pancakarma.
IX Svasthavritta
Major area: Observational & Clinical Studies
Fields of research work can be:
- Ayurveda diet in today’s scenario.
- Disease wise pathya-apathya.
- Disease wise recommendation of body postures.
- Local cuisine & Ayurveda principles.
- Ritucarya as per different geographical zones.
- Effect of yogasana in comparison to alternates like gym.
- Breathing technics in respiratory disorders.
- Meditation technics in psycho-somatic disorders.
X Agadatantra & Vyavahara Ayurveda
Major area: Observational & Clinical Studies
Fields of research work can be:
- Toxic dosage fixation.
- Identification of new upavisha & visha dravya.
- Antidotes
- Alcohol tolerance & adverse effects.
- Clinical studies on local venomous animal bites.
- Folklore practices in toxicology.
XI Kayacikitsa
Major area: Observational & Clinical Studies
Fields of research work can be:
- Revalidation of cikitsa sutra in various diseases.
- New drug trials in various diseases.
- Identification of susceptible individuals based on nidana.
- Development of external treatment technics for joint related disorders.
XII Pancakarma
Major area: Observational & Clinical Studies
Fields of research work can be:
- Tools to standardize the process of snehana.
- Instrument development for various sagnisvedana.
- Instrument development for basti dravya mishrana & administration.
- Tools to assess samyak, heena & atiyoga lakshana.
- Standard operating procedures for collection of jalauka & raktamokshana
- Easy to use methods to promote pratimarsha nasya
- Ritushodhana.
XIII Shalyatantra
Major area: Observational & Clinical Studies
Fields of research work can be:
- Ksharasutra Preparation & Administration.
- Paaneya kshara & Pratisaraneeya kshaara.
- Instrument development for administration of agnikarma.
- Comparitive & Critical Analysis of yantra-shastra used in shalayatantra.
- Anesthetics in Ayurveda.
XIV Shalakyatantra
Major area: Observational & Clinical Studies
Fields of research work can be:
- Local Procedures Drugs Preparation & Administration.
- Instrument development for administration of kriyakalpa.
- Comparitive & Critical Analysis of yantra-shastra used in shalakyatantra.
Research Tools: Pramana – An Ayurveda Perspective :
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