Brief Literature review of Pramana in Ayurveda
Pramana are considered to be the tools through which definite knowledge can be obtained. Ayurveda uses the terminology Pareeksha in place of Pramana.
द्विविधमेव खलु सर्वं सच्चासच्च; तस्य चतुर्विधा परीक्षा- आप्तोपदेशः, प्रत्यक्षम्, अनुमानं, युक्तिश्चेति||(च.सू.११/१७)
तस्याङ्गवरमाद्यं प्रत्यक्षागमानुमानोपमानैरविरुद्धमुच्यमानमुपधारय || (सु.सू.१/१६)
परीक्ष्यते व्यवस्थाप्यते वस्तुस्वरूपमनयेति परीक्षा प्रमाणानि..|(चक्रपाणि/च.सू.११/१७)
Major Pramana in Ayurveda Classics:
- Aptopadesha
- Pratyaksha
- Anumana
- Yukti
- Upamana
तत्राप्तोपदेशो नामाप्तवचनम्|(च.वि.४/४)
Aptopadesha are the teachings of Apta (persons who are the most reliable).
Who are Apta?
आप्ता ह्यवितर्कस्मृतिविभागविदो निष्प्रीत्युपतापदर्शिनश्च| (च.वि.४/४)
Apta are considered to have following qualities:
- Free from doubts.
- Unimpaired memory
- Knowing phenomenon completely & by determinate experience.
- Observation without any attachment or affection (nishpritiand nirupatapa).
रजस्तमोभ्यां निर्मुक्तास्तपोज्ञानबलेन ये|
येषां त्रिकालममलं ज्ञानमव्याहतं सदा||
आप्ताः शिष्टा विबुद्धास्ते तेषां वाक्यमसंशयम्|
सत्यं, वक्ष्यन्ति ते कस्मादसत्यं नीरजस्तमाः ||
- Not possessing the unfair rajas & tamas in routine decision making process.
- Gained knowledge through meticulous hardwork & experience.
- Conviction to think from all times of view (trikala-past, present and future).
- Also known for qualities like “wise” and the enlightened (vibuddha).
- Their words are considered absolute truth without any doubt.
- As they are free from rajasand tamas, how could they tell lie?
आत्मेन्द्रियमनोर्थानां सन्निकर्षात् प्रवर्तते|
व्यक्ता तदात्वे या बुद्धिः प्रत्यक्षं स निरुच्यते||
Knowledge obtained through the proximity of atma, indriya (sensorium), manas (Psychological factor) along with artha (object of study or observation) is Pratyaksha.
प्रत्यक्षं तु खलु तद्यत् स्वयमिन्द्रियैर्मनसा चोपलभ्यते| (च.वि.४/४)
Pratyaksha or direct observation is that which is comprehensible by an individual through his own senses and mind.
अनुमानं खलु तर्को युक्त्यपेक्षः||४||
Anumana is the inferential knowledge on the basis of Yukti i.e. rationality & past experience.
प्रत्यक्षपूर्वं त्रिविधं त्रिकालं चानुमीयते|
वह्निर्निगूढो धूमेन मैथुनं गर्भदर्शनात्||
एवं व्यवस्यन्त्यतीतं बीजात् फलमनागतम्|
दृष्ट्वा बीजात् फलं जातमिहैव सदृशं बुधाः||
- Anumana is preceded by
- Three types based on the time- past, present and future.
- Inference of present events: Fire is inferred from the coming smoke:
- Inference of past events: Sexual intercourse from pregnancy.
- Inference of future events: Plant/Tree Features by seeing the seed.
बुद्धिः पश्यति या भावान् बहुकारणयोगजान्|
युक्तिस्त्रिकाला सा ज्ञेया त्रिवर्गः साध्यते यया||
- Yukti is the tool through which buddhi perceives phenomenon by considering various factors, valid for past, present and future.
- This is said to be helpful in fulfilling trivarga (dharma, artha, kama).
जलकर्षणबीजर्तुसंयोगात् सस्यसम्भवः| युक्तिः षड्धातुसंयोगाद्गर्भाणां सम्भवस्तथा||
मथ्यमन्थन(क)मन्थानसंयोगादग्निसम्भवः| युक्तियुक्ता चतुष्पादसम्पद्व्याधिनिबर्हणी||
- Water, ploughed piece of land, seeds and the season in which particular seeds are sown, when combined together, result in a crop.
- Similarly, combination of six factors (pancamahabhutaand atma) is responsible for formation of a fetus in the uterus.
- Fire is produced by lower-fire-drill, upper-fire drill and the act of drilling or churning done by a person.
- In a similar manner, the treatment of disease is possible by applying the fourfold therapeutics measures (The vaidya, medicines, paramedical staff, and the patient).
प्रसिद्धसाधर्म्यात् सूक्ष्मव्यवहितविप्रकृष्टस्यार्थस्य साधनमुपमानं; तेनाविरुद्धं यथा- माषवन्मषकः, तिलमात्रस्तिलकालकः, विदारीकन्दवद् विदारीरोगः, शालूकवत् पनसिकेत्यादि| (डल्हण/सु.सू.१/१६)
- The knowledge obtained through the method of comparison with a well-known phenomenon is called as Upamana.
- The comparison helps in understanding of even difficult, hidden & broader aspects.
Disease | Comparison |
Tilakalaka | Tilamatra |
Vidari | Vidarikanda |
Panasika | Shaluka |
Utility of Pramana in Research
अथ सिद्धान्तः- सिद्धान्तो नाम स यः परीक्षकैर्बहुविधं परीक्ष्य हेतुभिश्च साधयित्वा स्थाप्यते निर्णयः|
स चतुर्विधः- सर्वतन्त्रसिद्धान्तः, प्रतितन्त्रसिद्धान्तः, अधिकरणसिद्धान्तः, अभ्युपगमसिद्धान्तश्चेति|
अथ हेतुः- हेतुर्नामोपलब्धिकारणं;
तत् प्रत्यक्षम्, अनुमानम्, ऐतिह्यम्, औपम्यमिति; एभिर्हेतुभिर्यदुपलभ्यते तत् तत्त्वम्|| (च.वि.८/३३)
– Pancaavayavavakya
प्रतिज्ञा, हेतुः, दृष्टान्तः, उपनयः, निगमनम्,…(च.वि.8/27)
Current Research Methods | AnumanaPramana |
· Proposition | प्रतिज्ञा |
· Need Of The Study · Aims And Objectives · Materials And Methods | हेतु |
· Previous Work Done | दृष्टान्त |
· Analysis Of Results | उपनय |
· Conclusion | निगमन |
Data collection by utilizing the five sensory organs falls under this category.
Sense organ | Object | Clinical Examples |
Shrotrendriya | Shabda | Sounds produced through joint movements, intestinal motility, breathing, etc. |
Sparshanendriya | Sparsha | Changes in skin texture, temperature, etc. |
Cakshurendriya | Rupa | Changes in colour of tongue, conjunctiva, nail, skin, urine, etc. |
Rasanendriya | Rasa | Subjective changes in taste perception and any other features experienced by the subject. |
Ghranendriya | Gandha | Changes in smell through therapy, medications, reduction of sweat, etc. |
- Referring to Previous works done before starting a new research proposal always is a must in avoiding repetition & also improvising the method of research. This step is a part of Aptopadesha.
- Major steps of research such as research question & formulation of hypothesis is not possible without the prior knowledge gained through Aptopadesha.
- Literary research which is a part of basic research is entirely dependent on existing information in the form of Aptopadesha.
- Even in observational & clinical research, various proforma, pharmaceutical process and so on are dependent on Aptopadesha.
- Yukti is specifically helpful in deducing the result by data analysis through statistical methodology.
- “Discussion” part of dissertation work is an outcome of properly applied Yukti Pramana.
- Limitations of current study & Future scope also require Yukti Pramana.
- In comparative researches, Upamana Pramana plays a major role in analyzing the results.
- It can be literary research or observational or even interventional research design.
- Pramana are a part & parcel of any research work being undertaken.
- It is the combined application of Pramana which gives desired outcome.
न हि ज्ञानावयवेन कृत्स्ने ज्ञेये ज्ञानमुत्पद्यते|(च.वि.४/५)
One cannot acquire authoritative knowledge about anything in all its aspects simply by examining it through a part of these “sources of knowledge”.