Contributions falling into the following categories will be considered for publication in International Journal of Ayurveda360:


Editorials: These are written by members of the Editorial Board or by Guest Editorials specially invited by the Editor-in-Chief. Manuscripts should be restricted to approximately 1500 words and about 15 references.

**Opinion Paper (Thought Leadership Article)**

Thought Leadership Article: Please limit the non-structured abstract to 250 words and the manuscript to about 2000 words (excluding approximately 20 references).

**Full-Length Article**
Original Research Article (Experimental):

Please keep the structured abstract to 250 words (covering background, objectives, materials and methods, results, and conclusions) and the manuscript to about 5000 words (excluding around 70 references) and 8 non-text items. Experimental Research articles detail authors’ original research, excluding clinical studies. Authors should provide details of authentication of raw drugs and finished formulations used, animal ethics committee clearance (if applicable), and guidelines followed for the study.

Original Research Article (Clinical):

This section reports clinical research within the scope of Ayurveda360 Journal. Manuscripts should adhere to the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practices principles where applicable. Approval of research by the relevant ethics committee is mandatory and should be mentioned in the manuscript.

General Article:

These articles report original non-clinical work concerning topics within the scope of Ayurveda360 Journal or other relevant contemporary issues in Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. Please limit the non-structured abstract to 250 words and the manuscript to about 3000 words (excluding approximately 50 references) and 5 non-text items.


Articles by experienced Ayurvedic scholars exploring contemporary issues in education, teaching methods, and approaches are expected in this section. Please limit the manuscript to about 3000 words (excluding approximately 40 references) and 5 non-text items. An abstract is not required for a Pedagogy article.

**Case Report**
Case reports:

These describe successful treatment applications, adverse events, or novel observations of a single case. Manuscripts should be limited to about 1500 words (excluding around 20 references), 2 non-text items, and include a non-structured abstract of up to 200 words.

Case Series:

These are collections of cases with similar exposures and/or outcomes. Manuscripts should include a non-structured abstract of up to 250 words, about 3000 words (excluding approximately 40 references), and 4 non-text items.

**Short Communication**

Short communications may include important preliminary studies and reports. Please provide a non-structured abstract of up to 250 words and limit the manuscript to about 1500 words (excluding around 20 references) and 2 non-text items.

**Review Article**

Reviews may cover particular areas of Ayurveda or integrative medicine relevant to contemporary issues. Manuscripts should include a non-structured abstract of up to 250 words and be about 6000 words long (excluding approximately 80 references) and about 8 non-text items.

**Short Review**

A short review is expected to be up to 2000 words long with 20 references and a non-structured abstract of up to 200 words.


Discussion Kernel: This section welcomes short, pithy articles concerning issues of wide potential interest designed to stimulate further discussion and debate. Manuscripts should be about 1500 words long (excluding approximately 20 references), with 3 non-text items and a non-structured abstract of up to 200 words.


Commentary is generally solicited from reviewers on important papers. The limit is 500 words with no abstract.

**Feature Article**
Life Profile:

These articles focus on the life profiles of legendary personalities in the field of Ayurveda or integrative medicine. Manuscripts should be about 2000 words long (excluding around 20 references).


These retell incidents in the lives of great Vaidyas/scientists, encapsulating important points about Ayurveda, related AYUSH systems, or integrative medicine. Abstracts are not required, and manuscripts should be limited to about 2000 words.


These articles recount the history, philosophy, mission, and activities of important projects, institutions, organizations, and associations contributing to the advancement of Ayurveda or Integrative Medicine healthcare. Manuscripts should be about 3000 words long (excluding approximately 30 references).

Review of Landmark Article:

These articles provide deep insights into scientific papers representing turning points in the history of Ayurveda or Integrative Medicine. Manuscripts should be up to 3000 words long (excluding around 50 references).

Letter to the editor:

Letters are welcome from all readers on topics, issues, and constructive comments pertaining to recent editions of Ayurveda360 Journal or to the works mainly of Ayurveda, other AYUSH systems, traditional medicine, or Integrative Medicine. Manuscripts should be limited to 1000 words (excluding around 10 references) and 1 non-text item.

Product Review:

Product reviews include brief, evidence-based information about products useful in clinical practice, research, or translation. Manuscripts should be up to 500 words long with a maximum of two non-text items.

**Book Reviews**

Book reviews can be solicited by Ayurveda360 Journal editorial staff or commissioned. Readers are welcome to suggest high-quality contemporary or historically important books on Ayurveda for review. For unsolicited book reviews, the reviewer needs to upload a permission letter from the authors of the book. Manuscripts should be up to 2000 words long, and a jpeg image of the cover page of the book reviewed should be uploaded separately.

**Practice Guidelines**

Guidelines about clinical practice, research, and education regarding Ayurveda, traditional medicine, or Integrative Medicine will be published in this section.

**Natural product-based interventions**

Ayurveda360 Journal welcomes papers on natural product-based interventions with traditional knowledge relevance. Manuscripts should adhere to WHO guidelines on the quality of herbal and traditional medicine. Reporting of clinical trials on herbal intervention should follow the CONSORT Statement for herbal intervention.

Conference Report:

Manuscripts should be up to 1200 words long with a maximum of two non-text items.

News and comments:

These are written by International Journal of Ayurveda360 editorial staff. Readers may suggest topics and events for publication pertaining to recent activities in the field of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. Please contact journal@ayurveda360.in for suggestions.

Future events:

These are generally written by International Journal of Ayurveda360 editorial board members. Please submit requests for particular events to be covered. In this case, suggestions for the person to write the report will also be welcome. Please contact journal@ayurveda360.in for event coverage requests.

Authors may use the equator network site for sourcing these guidelines.

Please ensure that you select the appropriate article type from the list of options when making your submission. Authors contributing to special issues should ensure that they select the special issue article type.