UTTAR PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION | Advertisement. No.- D-3/E-1/2023 Date: 14.06.2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Uttar Pradesh AYUSH (Ayurveda) Department1- Name of the Post – Lecturer2- Number of Post
Essential Qualification Details | Category |
1 . Five years Degree in Ayurveda from a University established by law, or the Board of Indian Medicine, Uttar Pradesh, or any other State Board or Faculty which is registrable under the United Provinces Indian Medicine Act, 1939 | Mandatory |
2 . PostGraduate qualification of the subject from a recognized institution | Mandatory |
3 . Adequate knowledge of Hindi, English and Sanskrit | Mandatory |
Preferential Qualification Details |
1. Research work and publication of Original Papers and books. |
2. Served in the territorial Army for a minimum period of two years. |
3. Obtained a B certificate of National Cadet Corps. |
Category Wise Fee Details :-
Category Name – English | Category Name – Hindi | Total Fee (In INR) |
Unreserved (General) | अनारक्षित (सामान्य) | 105.00 |
SC | अनुसूचित जाति | 65.00 |
ST | अनुसूचित जनजाति | 65.00 |
OBC | अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग | 105.00 |
Ex-Army | भूतपूर्व सैनिक | 65.00 |
P. H. (Divyangjan) | शारीरिक बाधा (दिव्यांगजन) | 25.00 |
EWS | आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्ग | 105.00 |
1. The candidate must carefully study the detailed advertisement and may apply for the post only when he/ she is eligible for the concerned post.
2. Applications after the last prescribed date and time will not be accepted under any circumstances. Incomplete and ambiguous application forms will be cursorily rejected even if received on time.
3. The knowledge of Hindi is essential.
4. The date of calculation of age (except where indicated otherwise) is 1st July, 2023. The maximum age-limit shall be relaxable by five years for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled tribe, Other backward class, Skilled players of U.P. of Classified games (for the post of Group ‘B’ and ‘C’ only) (Only domiciled persons of U.P. are entitled for such age relaxation) and State Govt. Employees of U.P. including Teachers/ Staff of the Basic Shiksha Parishad of U.P. according to G.O. No. 1648/79-5-2015, dated 19 June, 2015 and Teachers/Staff of the Government Aided Madhyamik Vidyalayas of U.P. as per G.O. No. 1508/15-8-2015-3057, dated 16 September, 2015. The upper age limit shall also be greater by 3 years + period of service rendered in army for the emergency commissioned officers/short service commission officers/ commissioned officers/Ex-Army personnels of U.P. It is essential to be discharged from army upto the last date of receipt of application. Relaxation of 15 years in the upper age limit will be admissible to P.H. candidates.
5. After receipt of application in the Commission, any request for change in the qualification and category will not be entertained.
6. Minimum educational qualification is not sufficient for being called for interview. Mere eligibility does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview or for selection. Intimation for interview will be sent later on.
7. In case of large number of applicants for the post/ posts, the Commission may hold screening test, which will be communicated in due course of time. Under the conditions of holding screening test (Objective Type), penalty (Negative Marking) shall be imposed for wrong answers given by the candidates in the manner given below–
(i) There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one third (0.33) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
(ii) If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answer happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above for that question.
(iii) If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
8. The original certificates are required for verification at the time of interview. Candidate will then also be required to submit his/her passport size photograph attested by head of department or head of the institution, where he/she received last education or by a Gazetted Officer.
9. Candidates serving under Central or State Government will have to produce “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from their employer at the time of interview.
10. The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate will be final.
11. Candidates of any reserved category, if they want the benefit of reservation, must mention their category/ subcategory (one or more than one, whichever) in the column related to O.T.R. (because all the personal information will be automatically displayed in the application form from the O.T.R.).
12. It is very important to make the payment in the ‘ONLINE APPLICATION’ process by the candidate till the last date and time of submission of complete application in all respects. Candidates should take a print of the information filled by them and keep it safe.
In case of any discrepancy, the candidate will have to submit the printout to the Commission’s office otherwise the request of the candidate will not be accepted.
13. With regard to claims made in the ‘On-line Application’, the candidate shall submit the following original certificate/ certificates in the prescribed format, when asked for by the Commission. If the certificates are not submitted in time, the candidature shall be cancelled.
13.1 Only Higher Secondary/High School Certificate for proof of the age shall be treated valid.
13.2 Proof of degree/diploma or its equivalent qualifications to confirm the prescribed essential and preferential qualifications.
13.3 In the case of physically handicapped candidates, the certificate issued by the competent authority in the format- 1 to the Govt. Order No. 05/2022/18/1/2008/47/ka-2/2022 dated 18th April 2022.
13.4 In the case of the skilled players of the classified sports, a certificate issued by the competent authority will be required in terms of the Government Order No. – 22/21/ 1983-Ka-2 dated 28th November 1985.
13.5 Under any reserved category/categories, for the confirmation of the claim for reservation, the caste certificate issued by District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate (Executive)/City Magistrate/SDM/Tehsildar in the prescribed format prescribed under Govt. Order No. 22/16/92-TC-III/Ka-2/2002 dated 22nd October, 2008 in respect of candidates belonging to the SC/ST/OBC, will be accepted .
9.1 Those candidates, willing to take the benefit of the reservation may obtain a certificate, issued by the competent authority, in support of the reserved category, in the prescribed format printed in this detailed advertisement and submit the same to the Commission, whenever required to do so. Those claiming more than one reserved category will be given only one such concession, which will be more beneficial. The candidates not originally domiciled in U.P. belonging to SC, ST, O.B.C., dependants of freedom fighters, handicapped and Ex-servicemen are not entitled to benefit of reservation. Such candidates will be treated in general category.
14. The Commission do not advise to candidates about their eligibility. Therefore, they should carefully read the advertisement and apply only when satisfied about their qualifications in terms of the advertisement.
In the category of dependants of the freedom fighters only sons, daughters, grand-sons (son’s son/daughter’s son) and grand daughters (son’s daughter/daughter’s daughter, married/ unmarried) are covered. Only such relationships with the freedom fighters are not adequate but the candidate should remain actually dependant of the freedom fighter. It is advised that now the candidates may obtain the reservation, certificate from the District Magistrate in terms of Govt. Order No. 453/79-V-1-15- 1(Ka)/14-2015 dated 07-04-2015 in the prescribed format and submit the same.
16. In the event of involvement of a candidate in the concealment of any important information, pendency of any case/criminal case, conviction, more than a husband or wife being alive, submission of facts in a distorted manner, canvassing for selection etc. The Commission reserves the right to reject the candidature and debar from appearing in the examinations and selections.
17. Be sure to mention the name of Post applied for, advertisement number, department number, date of birth and O.T.R./Application ID for correspondence with the Commission.
18. Candidates are required to hold essential qualification till the last date of receipt of On-line application.
19. If any change is to be made in the personal detail mentioned in the O.T.R, it will be mandatory to Sync. it on the Dashboard after the change. Otherwise change will not be allowed. No representation will be accepted for error correction/amendment in this regard. Incomplete application will be cursorily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Submission of false/misleading information will lead to cancellation of candidature.
20. In case the candidates feel any problem in the “On-line Application” they may get their problem resolved by sending their quarries to the ‘Mail Box’ of the Commission.
21. The candidates whose candidature are cancelled, those candidates does not remain candidates after the cancellation of candidature, therefore it has been decided to not give their marks to those candidates.
Detailed Application Form:
At the online page there is a ‘Declaration’ for the candidates. Candidates are advised to go through the contents of the Declaration carefully. Candidate has the option to either agree or disagree with the contents of Declaration by clicking on ‘I Agree’ or ‘I do not agree’ buttons. In case the candidate opts to disagree, the application will be dropped and the procedure will be terminated. Accepting to agree only will submit the candidate’s Online Application.
Notification Details
This section shows information relevant to Notification
i.e. Notification number, selection type, directorate/ department name and post name
Personnel Details from OTR
This section shows information about candidate personnel details i.e. OTR Number, candidate name, Father/Husband name, Gender, DOB, UP domicile, Category, Marital status, email and contact number, photo & signature, address, UP Freedom Fighter, Ex Army, service duration and your physical challenges, Skilled Player, Outstanding Player of U.P., Debarred candidate.
Education & Experience Details
It shows your educational and experience details
Declaration segment
At the page there is a ‘Declaration’ for the candidates. Candidates are advised to go through the contents of the Declaration carefully.
After filling all above particulars there is provision for preview your detail before final submission of application form on clicking on “Preview” button.
Preview page will display all facts/particulars that you have mentioned in O.T.R. if you are sure with filled details then click on “Submit” button to finally push data into server with successfully submission report that you can print. [CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO TAKE A PRINT OF THIS PAGE BY CLICKING ON THE “Print” OPTION AVAILABLE]
For other information candidates are advised to select desired option in ‘Home Page’ of Commission’s website https://uppsc.up.nic.in
Candidate Registration
Fee Deposition /Reconciliation
Submit Application Form
Modify Submitted Application
Candidate Dashboard (OTR Based)
Application process must be completed (including filling up of OTR, Part-I, Part-II and Part-III of the Form) before last date of form submission according to Advertisement, after which the web-link will be disabled.
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