All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi
Assistant Professor
Last Date to Apply: 20/4/2023
Advt. No. AIIA/Rectt/01/2023 16th March, 2023
The Institute invites applications for the following Faculty posts to be filled up on direct recruitment/
deputation basis at AIIA, New Delhi and its Satellite Centre at AIIA, Goa: –
1. PROFESSOR (For AIIA, New Delhi) Level-14A Direct/Deputation
Kaumarbhritya 1 (OBC)
Swasthavritta 1 (OBC)
Kriya Sharir 1 (SC)
Panchakarma 1 (UR)Kayachikitsa or Shalya or Stri Rog & Prasooti (as per availability of most suitable candidate with experience in Hospital administration)
1 (ST) Translational Research Division(Suitable Faculty from Ayurveda specialty with experience in teaching of research methodologyand bio-statistics)
1 (SC)
2. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (For AIIA, New Delhi) Level-13A1 Direct/Deputation
Ayurveda Samhita & Siddhant 1 (ST)
Rog Nidan & Vikriti Vigyan 1 (OBC)
Translational Research Division (Suitable Faculty from Ayurveda specialty with experience in teaching of research methodologyand bio-statistics)
1 (SC)
3. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (For AIIA, Goa) Level-12 Direct Recruitment
Kayachikitsa 1 (EWS)
Prasuti Tantra & Stri Rog 1 (OBC)
Ras Shashtra & Bhaisajya Kalpana 1 (SC)
Shalakya Tantra 1 (OBC)
i. Degree in Ayurveda recognized under Schedule II of IMCC Act, 1970.
ii. MD/MS (Ay.) recognized by CCIM under Schedule-II of IMCC Act, 1970 in the concerned subject.
iii. 3 years full time teaching and or research experience from any recognized institute after MD/MS (Ay.)
iv. Published works, such as research papers (min 3) in indexed journals and books or technical reports.
i. PhD (in the concerned subject)
Mode of Recruitment: Direct recruitment
1. The qualification regarding experience is relaxable at the discretion of the Selection Committee in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes
or Scheduled Tribes, if at any stage of selection, the Selection Committee is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities
possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them. The appointing authority shall record the reasons
for relaxing the qualifications regarding experience in writing while doing so.
2. Initially the tenure of deputation will be for one year which may be extended subject to approval of the Competent Authority. Tenure and all other terms and
conditions of deputation will be governed in terms of the guidelines of DoPT OM dated 17th June, 2010 and any other instructions/guidelines issued by
Government of India in this regard from time to time.
For details of qualification, experience, prescribed format of application, and terms & conditions, please
visit AIIA’s website Last date of receipt of applications is 20th April, 2023.