Instructions for Authors

instruction to authors

Editorial Process of International Journal of Ayurveda360

A manuscript will be reviewed for possible publication with the understanding that it is being submitted exclusively to International Journal of Ayurveda360 at that point in time and has not been published elsewhere, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication. Authors should authorize one individual to correspond with the journal for all matters related to the manuscript. All manuscripts received are duly acknowledged. Upon submission, the editors will perform an initial review for suitability for formal review. Manuscripts with insufficient originality, significant scientific or technical flaws, or lack of a significant contribution to the field will be rejected at this stage. Additionally, manuscripts unlikely to be of interest to the readers of International Journal of Ayurveda360 will also be rejected during this initial review.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts received from editorial board members will be screened by the Editor-in-Chief and sent to external peer reviewers. Editorial board members who are authors will be excluded from the publication decision process.

If a manuscript is deemed suitable for publication, it will be sent to at least two expert reviewers. Authors are encouraged to suggest two or three qualified reviewers during submission, though this is not mandatory. Reviewers should not be affiliated with the same institutions as the authors. However, the selection of these reviewers is at the editor’s discretion. The journal employs a double-blind peer review process, meaning both authors and reviewers are unaware of each other’s identities. Every manuscript is also assigned to an editorial team member who will make the final decision based on the reviewers’ comments.

The comments and suggestions (acceptance, rejection, or amendments) from the reviewers will be conveyed to the corresponding author. If revisions are required, the author will be asked to provide a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments and submit a revised manuscript. This process is repeated until both reviewers and editors are satisfied with the manuscript.

Final Steps

Accepted manuscripts will be copy-edited for grammar, punctuation, print style, and format. Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for final approval. The corresponding author is expected to return corrected proofs within three days. It may not be possible to incorporate corrections after this period. The manuscript review process and final approval will take place entirely online to ensure faster dissemination of knowledge. Accepted articles will be published online as “Ahead of Print” immediately upon acceptance, facilitating rapid access to new research.

Appeals Process

Authors have the right to appeal if they believe the editorial board has wrongly rejected their manuscript. To initiate an appeal, authors should email the editorial office at, providing detailed reasons for the appeal. The appeal will be acknowledged by the editorial office and reviewed impartially. The processing of appeals will take 6-8 weeks. While under appeal, the manuscript should not be submitted to other journals. The final decision rests with the Editor-in-Chief, and second appeals will not be considered.

Anti-Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism, including duplicate publication of an author’s own work without proper citation or misrepresenting others’ ideas as one’s own, is strictly prohibited. All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using commercially available software. If plagiarism is detected, authors will be asked to address minor duplications or similarities with previously published works. If plagiarism is identified after publication, the journal will investigate and, if confirmed, retract the article and notify the authors’ institution and funding bodies. To report suspected plagiarism, contact the editorial office at

Clinical Trial Registry

International Journal of Ayurveda360 encourages the registration of clinical trials and adheres to the Statement on publishing clinical trials in Indian biomedical journals. Only clinical trials registered with a clinical trial registry that allows free public access will be considered for publication. Acceptable registries include:

This applies to clinical trials that began enrolling subjects on or after June 2018. Clinical trials that commenced enrollment before this date will be considered only if they are retrospectively registered with a publicly accessible registry.

Authorship Criteria

Authorship credit should be given based on substantial contributions to at least one of the following:

  1. Concept and design of the study or acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data;
  2. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and
  3. Final approval of the version to be published.

Simply participating in funding acquisition or data collection does not justify authorship. General supervision of the research group is also insufficient for authorship. Each contributor should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the manuscript’s content. The order of authorship should reflect the relative contribution of each author, and once submitted, the order cannot be changed without the written consent of all contributors.

Authors are expected to provide a justification for the number of authors in cases where it exceeds the journal’s prescribed limits. The journal reserves the right to set limits on the number of authors depending on the manuscript’s scope and the number of institutions involved.

Contribution Details

Each author must provide a description of their contributions to the manuscript in the following categories:

  • Concept and design
  • Literature search
  • Data acquisition and analysis
  • Manuscript preparation, editing, and review

These contributions will be printed alongside the article, and one or more authors should assume responsibility for the integrity of the entire work, from its inception to the published article. These individuals should be designated as the “guarantor” of the work.

Conflicts of Interest / Competing Interests

All authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest with the publication of the manuscript, including any relationships with institutions or products mentioned in the manuscript. Any conflicts of interest with competing products should also be disclosed.

Submission of Manuscripts

All manuscripts must be submitted through the online portal at

If authors experience any issues, they can contact the editorial office by email at or call 7353940662.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Submission Format

Manuscripts that do not adhere to the journal’s submission guidelines will be returned for technical corrections before undergoing peer review. Generally, manuscripts should be submitted as two separate files: one for the manuscript and the other for figures, tables, and supplementary data.

Submitted manuscripts that do not adhere to the “Instructions to Authors” will be returned to the authors for technical corrections before they undergo editorial/peer review. Typically, manuscripts should be submitted in two separate files:

  1. Title Page/First Page File/Covering Letter:

    This file should include:

    • The type of manuscript (e.g., original article, case report, review article, letter to the editor, images, etc.).
    • Title of the manuscript, running title, and names of all authors/contributors (with their highest academic degrees, designation, and affiliations).
    • Department(s) and/or institution(s) to which the work should be credited. All information revealing identity should be included here.
    • Total number of pages, total number of photographs, and word counts separately for abstract and the text (excluding references, tables, and abstract).
    • Sources of support (grants, equipment, drugs, etc.).
    • Acknowledgments of non-author contributions, including technical help or financial/material support.
    • If the manuscript was presented as part of a meeting, state the organization, place, and date.
    • Full statement about all submissions and previous reports that might be regarded as redundant publications of the same or similar work.
    • Clinical trial registration number and registry details (if applicable).
    • Conflicts of interest for each author/contributor.
    • Confirmation that all authors have read and approved the manuscript.
    • Contact information for the corresponding author.
  2. Blinded Article File:

    • This file should contain the main text of the article (from the abstract to the references), without author names, initials, or institutional affiliations.
    • Ensure compliance with the journal’s blinding policy.
  3. Images:

    • Submit high-quality color images individually, each less than 2 MB in size, in JPEG format.
    • Include legends for figures/images at the end of the article file.
  4. Contributors’ / Copyright Transfer Form:

    • This form should be submitted electronically along with co-author details or as a scanned image via email (

    Important: If you follow the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license:

    • The copyright is not transferred to the journal, but a license for publication is granted.
    • Statement for CC BY: “I hereby grant the journal a non-exclusive license to publish my work under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows others to copy, distribute, and build upon the work, provided that proper attribution is given to the original authors.”

Preparation of Manuscripts

Manuscripts must conform to the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (October 2008). Specific requirements for the International Journal of Ayurveda360 are summarized below:

  • Language: Manuscripts should be prepared in American English.
  • Permissions: Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions for copyrighted material. Copies of these permissions should accompany the manuscript.
  • Manuscript Submission: All manuscripts must be submitted online through the website
  • Technical Issues: For any technical issues, contact the editorial office at or via WhatsApp at +917353960662.

Types of Manuscripts

  • Original Articles: Includes randomized controlled trials, intervention studies, diagnostic tests, outcome studies, etc. Word count: Up to 3000 words (excluding abstract, references, and tables). Abstract: Structured, up to 250 words.
  • Review Articles: Comprehensive summary of literature by experts in the field, up to 3000 words (excluding references, tables, and abstract).
  • Case Reports: Unique and clinically significant cases, up to 1000 words.
  • Letter to the Editor: Up to 500 words and a maximum of 5 references.

Ethics and Study Design

  • Human and Animal Studies: Ethical approval from relevant committees is required.
  • Informed Consent: Must be obtained for human participants, and details should be provided.
  • Compliance with Guidelines: Follow guidelines such as the Helsinki Declaration for human studies and CPCSEA for animal studies.


  • Provide confidence intervals and exact p-values, with definitions of statistical terms and software used.


References should be numbered consecutively in the order they are first mentioned in the text, tables, and legends, identified by  numerals in square brackets after punctuation marks. References cited only in tables or figure legends should be numbered according to the sequence established by their first identification in the text of the particular table or figure. Ensure adherence to the style examples below, based on formats used by NLM in Index Medicus. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus style; provide complete names for non-indexed journals. Avoid citing abstracts unless necessary, and ensure permissions for unpublished data.

Articles in Journals

  1. Standard journal article (for up to six authors):
    Parija SC, Ravinder PT, Shariff M. Detection of hydatid antigen in the fluid samples from hydatid cysts by co-agglutination. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 1996;90:255–256.

  2. Standard journal article (for more than six authors):
    Roddy P, Goiri J, Flevaud L, et al. Field Evaluation of a Rapid Immunochromatographic Assay for Detection of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection by Use of Whole Blood. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2008;46:2022-2027.

  3. Volume with supplement:
    Otranto D, Capelli G, Genchi C. Changing distribution patterns of canine vector borne diseases in Italy: leishmaniosis vs. dirofilariosis. Parasites & Vectors 2009;Suppl 1

Books and Other Monographs

  1. Personal author(s):
    Parija SC. Textbook of Medical Parasitology. 3rd ed. All India Publishers and Distributors; 2008.

  2. Editor(s), compiler(s) as author:
    Garcia LS. Filarial Nematodes. In: Garcia LS, ed. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology. ASM Press; Washington DC; 2007:319-356.

  3. Chapter in a book:
    Nesheim MC. Ascariasis and human nutrition. In: Crompton DWT, Nesbemi MC, Pawlowski ZS, eds. Ascariasis and its prevention and control. Taylor and Francis; London, U.K.; 1989:87-100.

Electronic Sources

Journal article on the Internet:
Parija SC, Khairnar K. Detection of excretory Entamoeba histolytica DNA in the urine, and detection of E. histolytica DNA and lectin antigen in the liver abscess pus for the diagnosis of amoebic liver abscess. BMC Microbiology 2007;7:41. doi:10.1186/1471-2180-7-41. Available from:

Ayurveda / Ancient Literature

  1. Reference from Samhita:
    Carakasamhita, Sutrasthana, Matrashitiyaadhyaya, 5/104. Available from: (Accessed on 31 July 2020).

  2. Reference from other Ayurveda Classical Literature:
    Raja Radha Kanta Deva. Shabdkalpadruma. Vol 5th, Reprint Edition 3rd. Amar Publications; Varanasi; 1967:10:22 Pg no.89.

  3. Reference from Commentary:
    Chakrapani on Carakasamhita, Sutrasthana, Matrashitiyaadhyaya, 5/104. Available from: (Accessed on 31 July 2020).

Tables and Illustrations

  • Tables: Should be self-explanatory, with a brief title. Number them consecutively and place explanatory information in footnotes.
  • Figures: Submit in JPEG format, with a file size not exceeding 1024 KB. Titles and detailed explanations should be in the figure legends.


  • Specify non-author contributions, technical assistance, and financial/material support.

Financial Disclosure

  • Include details of funding agencies, grant numbers, and the role of funders. Declare if there is no funding or external support.

Conflict of Interest

  • Declare any conflicts of interest for all manuscript types submitted to the journal.

Data Availability Statement

  • Provide a statement on where the data supporting the reported results can be found.

Protection of Patients’ Rights to Privacy

  • Ensure patient anonymity unless essential for scientific purposes, with informed consent obtained where applicable.

Revised Manuscript Submission

  • Submit revised manuscripts online, including referees’ comments with point-by-point clarifications.

Reprints and Proofs

  • Authors can purchase reprints, and payment should accompany proof submission.

Publication Schedule

  • Articles are published quarterly on the journal’s website.

Manuscript Submission Charges

  • A nominal fee of Rs. 1000 to Rs. 1500 is charged, depending on the number of reviews (2 or more).


  • Authors grant the journal a non-exclusive license to publish under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. This means the article can be freely used, distributed, and built upon with proper attribution, while authors retain the copyright.


These detailed guidelines ensure adherence to rigorous standards in manuscript preparation and submission to the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, fostering clarity, ethical rigor, and effective research dissemination.