Plagiarism Policy


Plagiarism, in any form, is considered a serious violation of academic integrity and ethical publishing standards. Ayurveda360 Journal adheres to a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism and expects all authors, reviewers, and editors to uphold the highest standards of originality and attribution. The following guidelines outline the journal’s policy on plagiarism:

1. Definition of Plagiarism:

Plagiarism is defined as the act of using someone else’s words, ideas, or work without proper acknowledgment or permission and presenting it as one’s own. This includes, but is not limited to, copying text, ideas, data, images, or other creative content without appropriate citation or attribution.

2. Types of Plagiarism:

Plagiarism can take various forms, including:
a. Verbatim (word-for-word) copying of text from another source without quotation marks and proper citation.
b. Paraphrasing or rewriting someone else’s ideas or work without proper attribution.
c. Self-plagiarism, which involves reusing one’s own previously published work without proper citation or disclosure.
d. Plagiarism of ideas, concepts, or methodologies without acknowledging the original source.
e. Plagiarism of images, figures, tables, or other visual content without permission or proper attribution.

3. Detection of Plagiarism:

International Journal of Ayurveda360 (IJOA) Journal employs various tools and methods to detect plagiarism, including manual screening by editors, automated plagiarism detection software, and cross-referencing with existing literature databases. Authors should be aware that all submitted manuscripts are subject to rigorous scrutiny for originality and integrity.

4. Consequences of Plagiarism:

Authors found to have committed plagiarism will face serious consequences, including but not limited to:
a. Rejection of the manuscript.
b. Notification of the author’s institution or employer.
c. Barred from submitting to Ayurveda360 Journal in the future.
d. Reporting the violation to relevant academic or professional bodies.
e. Legal action, if deemed necessary.

5. Prevention of Plagiarism:

Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality and integrity of their submissions. To prevent plagiarism, authors should:
a. Properly cite and reference all sources used in their manuscript, including text, ideas, data, images, and other content.
b. Use quotation marks or indented formatting for verbatim excerpts from other sources, accompanied by appropriate citation.
c. Avoid paraphrasing without proper attribution and citation.
d. Obtain permission for the use of copyrighted material, including images, figures, and tables.
e. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to the research or manuscript.

6. Reporting Plagiarism:

Suspected cases of plagiarism should be reported to the journal’s editorial office immediately. Authors, reviewers, or readers who encounter potential plagiarism in published or submitted manuscripts are encouraged to notify the editor promptly, providing relevant evidence and details for investigation.

By adhering to these plagiarism guidelines, International Journal of Ayurveda360 (IJOA) aims to maintain the integrity and credibility of the scientific literature and uphold ethical standards in academic publishing.