Publishing Policies & Guidelines


All authors are required to adhere to the authorship guidelines established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Authorship agreements must be finalized before manuscript submission, and written consent from all authors is mandatory. The journal strongly discourages ‘guest’, ‘gift’, or ‘ghost’ authorship, and insists that all authors meet the four ICMJE authorship criteria. For contributors who do not meet these criteria, their contributions should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgment section.

In the event of changes to authorship—such as adding or removing authors or changing the order of authors—the corresponding author must email the International Journal of Ayurveda360 Editorial Office at, explaining the reasons for the proposed changes. This email must be sent to all authors, and a signed consent form from each author, outlining the reasons for the change, must be attached. The Editorial Office will review the request, and a decision will be communicated to all authors.

Author Declaration

Authors must declare their contributions to the manuscript and confirm their authorship by submitting a signed Publication Agreement Form. This form grants the journal the right to publish the article under the CC BY license. Authors must also provide a CReDiT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) Author Statement, detailing their specific roles in the manuscript. This statement should accompany the manuscript submission, along with the Covering Letter.

All authors are required to sign the Publication Agreement Form at the time of manuscript submission.

Authors should complete the Declaration of Interest statement using the provided template and upload it to the submission system. If there are no conflicts of interest to declare, authors should indicate “Declarations of interest: none” in the template.

Book Reviews

Book reviews may be solicited by the International Journal of Ayurveda360 editorial staff or commissioned. Readers can suggest books for review, but for unsolicited reviews, the reviewer must upload a permission letter from the book’s authors or publishers. In both cases, a copy of the book must be sent to the Editorial Office in Jaipur.

Peer Review

The International Journal of Ayurveda360 follows a double anonymous peer review process for all submissions, ensuring that both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other. This process promotes impartial and objective evaluation of submitted manuscripts. Authors should ensure that the main manuscript file does not contain any identifying information.

Pre-print Manuscripts

Manuscripts that have been previously published on pre-print servers are accepted for submission. However, authors must declare this in the covering letter and provide details of the pre-print submission. Failure to declare pre-print submissions will result in rejection. Pre-prints will undergo a single-blind peer review process.

Reporting Guidelines

Authors are expected to adhere to relevant reporting guidelines prescribed by the EQUATOR Network. These guidelines ensure transparency and consistency in reporting health research.


References should be uploaded separately from the main manuscript file. All cited articles should be from reputable and authentic journals, preferably indexed in PubMed, Scopus, or Web of Science.

Society and Editorial Board Members

The International Journal of Ayurveda360 follows a double anonymous peer review process for all articles, including those submitted by Society and Editorial Board members. These members are not involved in the editorial or review process of their own submitted manuscripts. All Society and Editorial Board members must disclose their association with the journal and declare any conflicts of interest during manuscript submission.

Editorial Review

In addition to peer review, all submitted manuscripts undergo an Editorial Review to assess their alignment with the journal’s scope, originality, and academic rigor. The editorial team reserves the right to reject any manuscript that does not meet the journal’s standards or guidelines.