M.Sc. Ayur-Yoga Preventive Cardiology(Interdisciplinary)


National Institute of Ayurveda is a premium institute under Ministry of AYUSH. It is a deemed university running various academic programs in Ayurveda such as BAMS, MD/MS, Ph.D., DANP & Certificate Courses. Recently, NIA has launched Post-Graduate Interdisciplinary M.Sc. courses.One among the course is related to Ayur-Yoga Preventive Cardiology.

National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur


Experts in the field of preventive cardiology through Ayurveda and Yoga.

· Department of AYUSH will have pool of skilled health care providers in the field of Preventive Cardiology.

· MBBS graduates pursuing this course would learn the fundamentals of Ayurveda and Yoga for prevention of cardiac disorders and promotion of health.

· Further scope of exploring and expanding the specialized domain of Preventive cardiology will be created at government and private sector.


Emerging Field.

· Opportunity to work in various Public health projects of Central or State Governments related to non-communicable diseases specially in the field of preventive cardiology.

· Opportunity to work as faculty in institutes where these types of courses are being conducted after acquiring eligibility.

· To work as a skilled healthcare provider in the field of preventive cardiology in government or private sector facilities.

· Internationally Interdisciplinary projects through Ayurveda and Yoga.

· field of R&D to develop pharmaceutical products related to preventive cardiology.

Departments (Specialities)

 Equivalent Term
PoshanaharaAyurvedic Diet & Nutrition
Ayurveda ManuscriptologyAyurveda Manuscriptology
Ayur-Yoga Preventive CardiologyAyurveda Preventive Cardiology
Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda BheshajMarmalogy & Sports Medicine
Saundarya AyurvedaAyurveda Cosmetology
VrikshayurvedaPrevention, Cultivation & Development of Medicinal Plants

Degree to be Awarded

DepartmentDegree to be awarded
PoshanaharaM.Sc. in Ayurveda Diet and Nutrition (Poshanahara)
Ayurveda ManuscriptologyM.Sc. in Ayurveda Manuscriptology
Ayur-Yoga Preventive CardiologyM.Sc. in  Ayur-Yoga Preventive Cardiology
Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda BheshajM.Sc. in Marmalogy and Sports Medicine (Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda Bheshaj )
Saundarya AyurvedaM.Sc. in Saundarya Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Cosmetology)
VrikshayurvedaM.Sc. in Vrikshayurveda-


2 Seats in each department


DepartmentEligible Criteria
PoshanaharaBAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ B.Sc in Dietetics/M.Sc in Dietetics/ B.Sc in Food and Nutrition
Ayurveda ManuscriptologyBAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ M.A in Sanskrit
Ayur-Yoga Preventive CardiologyBAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ Other AYUSH graduates
Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda BheshajBAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ Other AYUSH graduates
Saundarya AyurvedaBAMS/BSMS/BUMS/BHMS/BYN/MBBS/ Or Equivalent Medical degree/ B.Sc. in Skin Care and Aesthetic Medicine or any equivalent degree
VrikshayurvedaBAMS/BSMS/B.Sc. (Agriculture) /B.Sc. (Horticulture)/ B.Sc. (Forestry)/ Any other Science Graduate passed with minimum 50% Marks




  • 50% marks will be from the respective field
  • Remaining 50% will be based on the general knowledge, current affairs and computer knowledge.




1ST YEARRs. 29650/- + REFUNDABLE Rs, 8000/- TOTAL = Rs.37650/-
2ND YEARRs. 26650/-

Syllabus for M.Sc. in Ayur-yoga & Preventive Cardiology:

Paper 1: Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Research and Bio Statistics

Teaching Hours: 135 Hrs (Theory)                                                                            Max. Marks: 100

Paper 1 PC : 101Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Research and Bio Statistics135 Hrs
1.Definition and components of Ayu, definition and aim of Ayurveda, Brief introduction of Ayurveda Samhitas.04 Hrs
2.Definition of Swastha purush, introduction of parameters of Swasthya and Tray-upastambha.06 Hrs
3.Introduction ofconceptof Panchmahabhuta theory, Tridoshatheory and Loka samyapurush.06 Hrs
4.Introduction of concept of Saptadhatu, Mala and Ojus04 Hrs
5.Introduction of concept of Srotas03 hrs
6.Introduction of concept of Prakriti, Mana and Atma, Chaturvinshati and Shaddhatuj Purush05 Hrs
7.Introduction of concept of Raspanchaka07 Hrs
8.Introduction of Panchvidha kshaya kalpana02 Hrs
9.The concept of Roga, Main etiological factors, Chikitsa and its types04 Hrs
10.Introduction of various sections/departments of Ayurveda and their specific activities14 Hrs
11.Understanding the fundamental concepts of Vriddhi and Kshaya of Dosha, Dushya, Mala with Amshaamsha Kalpana. Srotodushti, Khavaigunya, Agni, Ama (Saama and Nirama Dosha, Dhatu & Mala), Aavarana, Rogamarga, Ashayapakarsha, Dosha Gati, Kriyakala. Aushadha Sevana Kala, Anupana, Pathya-Apathyaandtheirscientificrelevanceduringhealthanddisease.08 Hrs
12.Knowledge of Rogi Roga Pariksha including detailed history taking, systemic examination and detail description of Cardio vascular systemic examination.10 Hrs
13.Basics and need of preventive Cardiology through Ayurveda.04 Hrs
14.Arista lakshana (Rationale of targeting high risk, life expectancy) in hridaya rogi.02 Hrs
15.Role of Graha vigyana (psycho-somatic risk factors) in preventive cardiology03 Hrs
16.Role of Sahaj roga vigyana (Genetics) in preventive cardiology.03 Hrs
17.Basic knowledge of Ashthang Yoga04 Hrs
18.Understandingphysiologyof Rasapanchaka-Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka, Prabhava in relation to hridya karma06 Hrs
19.Definition   of    word    research     and    classification   of    research     – (pure/applied;          qualitative/quantitative;                    observational                                and interventional)05 Hrs
20.Historical background of research in Ayurveda02 Hrs
21.Introduction to Classical methods of research- Aptopdesh, Pratyaksha Anuman and Yukti06 Hrs
22.Research process- Brief introduction of Selection of topic, Review of literature, Formulation of hypothesis, Aims and objectives, Materials and04 Hrs
 methods, Observation and Results. 
23.Concept of ethics in research02 Hrs
24.Publication of research, Structuring of article (IMRAD)04 Hrs
25.Brief introduction of Medical Statistics02 Hrs
26.Collection and presentation of data04 Hrs
27.Definition of Average, Percentile, Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Standard Deviation and Standard Error05 Hrs
28.Parametric and Non-parametric tests06 Hrs

Paper 2: Comprehensive Fundamentals of Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology

Teaching Hours: 135 Hrs (Theory)                                                                            Max. Marks: 100

Paper 2Comprehensive Fundamentals of Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology135 Hrs
1.Understanding of Surface and Gross Anatomy of Thorax (Heart, Lungs, Mediastinum),15 Hrs
2.Understanding and knowledge of Great vessels (Sira-Dhamani Vigyan)12 Hrs
3.Understanding of Lymphatic System and Nervous Regulation of Cardiovascular Physiology.12 Hrs
4.Knowledge and Understanding of Essentials of Cardiovascular Physiology–Actionpotential, Cardiac Cycle, BloodPressure, Pulse, Heart Sounds.16 Hrs
5.Shat Chakra – Location and significance in Yoga. Description of Ida, Pingala, Sushumnanadi.8 Hrs
6.General description and understanding of Koshthanga Shareera and Aashya in relation to Cardiovascular system5 Hrs
7.Understanding of Marma shareera in relation to Cardiovascular system. Knowledge of importance of Hridaya, Basti and Shir (Trimarma) and their inter-relation10 Hrs
8.Comprehensive understanding of Detailed description of circulatory system (Rasa samvahana, hridyastha oja, Mana, Buddhi, Chetana and Tridosha varnan Arthedashmahamoola, Dasha Pranayatana).12 Hrs
9.Clinical Importance    of   Tridosha    in    maintaining   structural                                     and physiological Cardiovascularfunctions.06 Hrs
10.Panchabhautikatwaof Cardiovascularsystemanditsclinicalandapplied importance in Prevention05 Hrs
11.Conceptofsrotas, theirtypesspecially Pranavaha, rasavaha, raktavaha, manovahi and their relation and importance to cardiac disorders .08 Hrs
12.Applied and clinical knowledge of Practices mentioned in Ayurveda text as a cause of congenital heart defects and its prevention. (Garbhavakranti Shaarira, features of Shukra and Shonita, description of Beeja, Beejbhaga, Beejbhagavyavaand Garbhotpadaka bhava)08 Hrs
13.Conceptof Vyadhiuttpatianditsunderstandinginrelationto Hridroga.10 Hrs
14.Knowledge of different Nidanarthkara Roga for Hridaya Roga such as Udavarta, Pandu, etc.08 Hrs

Paper 3: Comprehensive Cardiovascular Pathology

Teaching Hours: 135 Hrs (Theory)                                                                            Max. Marks: 100

Paper 3Comprehensive Cardiovascular Pathology135 Hrs.
1.Knowledge and   comprehensive    understanding    of pathogenesis (Nidana Panchak) and diagnosis of Coronary artery Disease10 Hrs
2.Epidemiology of Cardiac disorders06 Hrs
3.Detaileddescriptionof Hridrogaaccordingtotheirtypes(Vataj, Pittaj, Kaphaja, Sannipataja and Krimija) andits Chikitsaavailableinvarious Ayurvedic classics.05 Hrs
4.Knowledge and   comprehensive    understanding    of pathogenesis (Nidana Panchak) and diagnosis of Heart Failure10 Hrs
5.Knowledge and   comprehensive    understanding    of pathogenesis (Nidana Panchak) and diagnosis of Systemic Hypertension10 Hrs
6.Knowledge and   comprehensive    understanding    of pathogenesis (Nidana Panchak) and diagnosis of Pulmonary thromboembolism and pulmonary hypertension10 Hrs
7.Knowledge and   comprehensive    understanding    of pathogenesis (Nidana Panchak) and diagnosis of Peripheral vascular disorders12 Hrs
8.Knowledge and   comprehensive    understanding    of pathogenesis (Nidana Panchak) and diagnosis of Cardiac arrhythmias.12 Hrs
9.Knowledge and   comprehensive    understanding    of pathogenesis (Nidana Panchak) and diagnosis of Geriatric Cardiac disorders.10 Hrs
10.Valvular Heart Diseases anddiseasesof Myocardium and Pericardium.10 Hrs
11.Knowledge and   comprehensive    understanding    of pathogenesis (Nidana Panchak) anddiagnosis of Systemicdiseasesinvolvingheart.10 Hrs
12.Understanding and knowledge of Peripheral Vascular Diseases.10 Hrs
13.Understanding and knowledge of Pregnancy and heart diseases08 Hrs
14.Knowledge and understanding of Congenital heart disease.12 Hrs

Paper 4: Scope of Ayur-Yoga preventive Cardiology

Teaching Hours: 135 Hrs (Theory)                                                                            Max. Marks: 100

Paper 4Scope of Ayur-Yoga preventive cardiology135 Hrs
1.Concept of Swasthaya rakshan of Ayurveda and ways to maintain and preservehealthlikeDincharya,Ratricharya,Sadvritta,nonsuppresion of natural urges, suppresion of urges, Vyayama etc.20 Hrs
2.Approach to prevention & management of Hridaya Roga including Shodhana, Shamana and Naimittika Rasayana etc.10 Hrs
3.Role of Rasayana and Vajikarana in Preventive Cardiology.15 Hrs
4.Stress / Psychological management in Preventive Cardiology.10 Hrs
5.Interdisciplinary approach in palliative care of various Hridroga.10 Hrs
6.Scope and Role of Yoga in Preventive Cardiology10 Hrs
7.National Health Campaigns of AYUSH and components under NRHM.10 Hrs
8.Hospital management strategies, Infrastructure, use of IT technology, essential manpower, equipment, Patient care, management and coordination with contemporary health institutions and field Institutions.10 Hrs
9.Emergency in Cardiology: Myocardial infarction, Cardiac arrest, Cardiogenic Shock, Syncope, sudden onset Arrhythmia, hypertensive crisis andencephalopathy.20 Hrs
10.Basic knowledgeof Panchkarma andits role inpreventive Cardiology20 Hrs

Practical of M.Sc. First Year

Teaching Hours: 540 Hrs                                                                                           Max. Marks: 100

Sl. No.Practical Examination540 Hrs
1.Assessment of Prakruti.15 Hrs
2.Practice Sessions of Yoga.100 Hrs
3.Clinical Demonstration of Assessment of Dosha.30 Hrs
4.Clinical Demonstration of Assessment of Dhatu Dushti Lakshana.40 Hrs
5.Clinical Demonstration of Assessment of Mala Dushti Lakshana.15 Hrs
6.Clinical Demonstration of Pranavaha Srotas Dushti Lakshana and Cardiovasular System Examination.50 Hrs
7.Clinical Demonstrationof Identificationof Risk Factors Associatedwith Cardiac Disorders.20 Hrs
8.Clinical Demonstration of Nadi Pariksha (Pulse examination).20 Hrs
9.Clinical Demonstration of Other Components of Ashtavidha Pariksha.25 Hrs
10.Clinical Demonstrationof Trividha, Shadvidhaand Dashvidha Pariksha.50 Hrs
11.Clinical Demonstration of Roga Pariksha (Nidan Panchak).30 Hrs
12.Clinical Demonstration of Case Recording.20 Hrs
13.Clinical Demonstration of Aushadha Vyavastha and Sevana Kala.10 Hrs
14.Clinical Demonstration of Other Systems Examination (Respiratory, GIT, Renal and Urogenital).50 Hrs
15.ClinicalDemonstrationofMedicinalplantsrelatedto CardiacDisorders.15 Hrs
16.Clinical Demonstration of Panchvidha Kashaya Kalpana.20 Hrs
17.Clinical demonstartion of various Panchkarma procedures like Shirodhara, Varti, Vaman, Virechana, Udvartana, Abhyanga, Hrid vasti, Swedana, Vasti etc30 Hrs

                                                                        2nd Year                                                                       Paper 1: Comprehensive Practical Cardiology(Hrid Roga–Rogi Pariksha)

Teaching Hours:135 (Theory)                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100

Paper 1Comprehensive Practical Cardiology (Hrid Roga–Rogi Pariksha)135 Hrs
1.Detailed knowledge of Roga-Rogi Pariksha including detailed history taking, systemicexaminationanddetaildescription of Cardiovascular systemic examination.20 Hrs
2.Clinical implementation of Dwividha Pariksha, Trividha Pariksha, Chaturvidha Pariksha, Panchavidha Pariksha, Shadvidha Pariksha, Ashtavidha Pariksha, Dashvidha Parikshya Bhavas and Prakrityadi Dashvidha Pariksha including detail of Nadi Pariksha.20 Hrs
3.Basic     knowledge     regarding     interpretation      of     ECG, TMT, Echocardiography, vascular doppler studies, X-Ray chest, CT scan, MRI, PET, Angiography, Holter’s monitoring.25 Hrs
4.Basic knowledgeof Bloodinvestigations related tocardiologylike CBC, Blood sugar, Lipid profile, RFT, TFT, Cardiac enzymes etc and their interpretations.15 Hrs
5.Knowledge and identification of different risk factors related to cardiology.10 Hrs
6.Rogi Pariksha: Trividha pariksha, Ashtavidha pariksha with detailed Nadi pariksha, Dashvidhapariksha in the light of recent advances in cardiology.15 Hrs
7.Roga Pariksha Detailed description of various Hridroga through Nidana-panchaka(Hetu,poorvarupa,rupa,Upashaya&Samprapti)and Vikriti pariksha.15 Hrs
8.Clinical methods-Detailed history taking, patient’s general examination and cardio vascular system examination.15 Hrs

Paper 2: Ayur-Yoga Cardiology – Treatment Principles and Therapeutic Approach

Teaching Hours:135 (Theory)                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100

Paper 2Ayur Yoga Cardiology – Treatment Principles and Therapeutic Approach135 Hrs
1.Ayurvedic Treatment Principles in perview of Cardiac Disorders.10 Hrs
2.Detailed description of Charakokta Hridya Mahakashaya, Jeevaniya Mahakashaya, Lekhaniya Mahakashaya, Phala Varga, Shaka Varga, Dugdha Vaga, Mootra Varga, Jala Varga and Susrutokta Utpaladi Gana, Parushakadi Gana and Shalsaradi Gana.10 Hrs
3.Knowledge of common Ayurvedic formulations and preparations indicated in Hridroga by various Acharyas including followings: Ekal Dravyas – Arjun, Rasona, Guduchhi, Pippali, Asana, Pushkarmool, Sarpagandha, Guggulu, Shilajit, Gokshura, Punarnava, Amlavetas, Dadima, Vacha, Brahmni, Jatamansi, Matulunga, Amrataka, Vrikshamla Churna – Dwiruttar Hingvadi churna, Nagbala churna, Haritkyadi churna,pippalyadichurna,Arjuntvakchurna,Pushkarmoolchurna. Kashaya – Pushkarmuladi Kasaya, Kathaphaladi kasaya. Dashamula, Asanadi, Punarnavashtaka, , DrakshadiKashaya. Asavas-Arista – Arjunarist Amritarishta, Ashwagandharishta    , Dasamula rista. Vati- Prabhakar Vati, Shankar vati, Amarsundari vati. Rasaushadhi – Hridyarnavarasa, Trinetra rasa. Makardhvaja rasa, Kasturi   bhairav   rasa,Jaharamohara   pisti,   Akik   pisti,   Muktapisti, Abhraka bhasma, sringa bhasma, Ghrita –Triushnadi ghrita,Arjun ghrita, Vallabha ghrita,Swadamstra ghrita, Brahmi Ghrita, , Dadimadya Ghrita, Lehya – Chyavanaprasha Avaleha, Brahma Rasayana, Amalaki20 Hrs
 Rasayana. Ashwagandha Avaleha, Amrita-Bhallataka Rasayana. 
4.Evidence based Knowledge of pharmacological action of various Ayurvedic drugs and formulations used in prevention and management of Hrid Roga.15 Hrs
5.Basic Knowledge of Common Allopathic Drugs used in Cardio- vascular Diseases.20 Hrs
6.Knowledge of   Critical care    medicine,   Management   of    cardiac emergencies, CCU services, Field medical service.20 Hrs
7.Drug-drug interactions and adverse drug reactions, Iatrogenic disorders in relation to cardiac vascular system.20 Hrs
8.Indications    and    importance    of    pacemaker    implantation,    stent implantation, Valvular transplantation and cardiac transplantation, Ethical and legal issues involved.15 Hrs
9.Detailed knowledge of Cardiopulmonary resuscitation5 Hrs

Paper 3 : Fundamentals of Ayurveda in Preventive Cardiology

Teaching Hours:135 (Theory)                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100

Paper 3Fundamentals of Ayurveda in Preventive Cardiology135 Hrs
1.Ayurveda Dietetics: Importance of Pathya, Apathya and Anupana in prevention and management of Hridroga.10 Hrs
2.Basic knowledge of Drugs, Dietetics and Lifestyle modification in prevention of cardiac diseases.10 Hrs
3.Psychosocial and Behavioural Aspects of Cardiovascular disease.5 Hrs
4.Nutritionalrecommendationsforpatientswithcardiovasculardisease.10 Hrs
5.Conceptandunderstandingof Pathya-Apathyadescribedin Ayurveda.5 Hrs
6.Aharaja – Viharaja- Mansika-pathya & apathya in relation to hridya roga.5 Hrs
7.Importance of Anupana in Hridaya roga. Various anupana used in cardiac disorders.5 Hrs
8.Concept of Viruddha ahara and its role in cause and prevention of various Hrid roga.5 Hrs
9.Concept and Importance of Asta ahara vidhi viseshayatana, Dwadasha ashanaand Shat Padartha Vigyaninpreventionofdifferent Hridroga.10 Hrs
10.Different Ahara varga described in Ayurveda like shukavarga, shamivarga, Mamsavarga, shaka-varga, Harita varga, phala varga, madyavarga, jalavarga, Gorasvarga, kruttannavarga, aharyogivarga and their role and application in prevention and treatment of Hridya roga.10 Hrs
11.Importance of Selection of diet according to Desha, Prakriti, dosha- dushya along with Elementary Nutritional Value calculation / Calorie consumption.10 Hrs
12.Concept and Importance of Vihara (Lifestyle modifications) – Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Sadvritta, Dharniya-Adharniya vega, Achara Rasayana specific to Hrid roga.10 Hrs
13.Manasika Pathya-apathya and their role in various disorders specifically in relation to Hrid roga like ashvasana, harshan, mani, mangal, mantra, upavaas, adhyayan Homa, Jaap etc.5 Hrs
14.Understanding of various Psychosomatic risk factors and Behavioral Aspects in cardiovascular disorders.5 Hrs
15.Knowledge regarding Importance of DASH diet, The Mediterranean Dietary Pattern, AHAHeart Healthy Eating Pattern Recommendations, The Vegetarian Dietary Pattern in CVD risk groups.10 Hrs
16.Selection of Aushadha Sevan kal in Hridaya Roga .5 Hrs
17.Preventive measures during Janapadodhwamsa lakshana for Hridaya rogi.10 Hrs
18.Effective key components of smoking cessation (modules)5 Hrs

Paper 4 : Principles of Yoga in Preventive Cardiology

Teaching Hours:135 (Theory)                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100

Paper 4Principles of Yoga in Preventive Cardiology135 Hrs
1.Basic Knowledge of Ashtanga Yoga.5 Hrs
2.ImportanceandUnderstandingof AshtangYoga(Yama,Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi in Preventive and Curative Cardiology.10 Hrs
3.Concept of Asanas and its importance in preventive cardiology.5 Hrs
4.Specific asana to be practiced & to be avoided in relation to cardiac disorders like Dhanurasana, Vakrsasana, Janushirshasana, Matsyasana, Shavasana, utthita trikonasana, paschimottasana, ardha-matsyendra asana, Gomukhasana, Setubandhasana, Salabha-sarvangasana, tadasana on maintaining health of heart.10 Hrs
5.Concept and Role of Pranayam in Preventive Cardiology.5 Hrs
6.Yoga and its body -mind relationship.5 Hrs
7.Yoga and its importance on QOL of post-operative cardiac patients.5 Hrs
8.Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) & Types of meditation in preventive cardiology specially in relation to substance abuse.10 Hrs
9.Transcendental Meditation & Behavioral modifications.5 Hrs
10.Effectof Yogaon Cardiac Circulatorysystem/ Hemodynamics, Cardiac Musculature & Electrical conduction.10 Hrs
11.Yoga practices for preventive cardiology during gestational & postpartum period with special importance to Congenital Cardiac anomalies.10 Hrs
12.Specific Yoga practices for childhood, Adults, Old age in high risk groups of CVD.5 Hrs
13.Yoga according to Age, Gender, Occupation in relation to preventive and curative cardiology.5 Hrs
14.Types of Cardiac Strength exercise and importance of time duration of exercise according to Roga & Rogi bala.10 Hrs
15.Precaution during Yoga Practices in cardiac disorders and Latest research trends in yoga and preventive cardiology.10 Hrs
16.Comprehensiverehabilitationofpatientswithcardiovasculardiseases.5 Hrs
17.Emerging trend of practicing Yoga in Preventive Cardiology.5 Hrs
18.Understanding exercise testing protocols and determination of functional capacity.5 Hrs
19.Understand   physiology of    exercise    training    in    patients    with cardiovascular disease.10 Hrs

Practical of M.Sc. 2nd Year

Teaching Hours: 540 Hrs                                                                                           Max. Marks: 100

S.NoPractical Examination540 Hrs
1Clinical Examination of Cardiovascular system50 Hrs
2Practical demonstration of various procedures like paracentesis, suction, nasogastric tube insertion, Per urethral catheterisation, Thoracocentesis, nebulization etc60 Hrs
3Practical demonstration and reading of recording of ECG30 Hrs
4Yoga demonstartion100 Hrs
5Case recording150 Hrs
6Clinical examination of other systems60 Hrs
7Practical demonstration of different Panchkarma procedures like shirodhara, Vasti making and administration,Abhyanga etc60 Hrs
8Role and application of cardiac defibrillation10 Hrs
9Practical demonstration and understanding of Spirometry20 Hrs

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