M.Sc. Marmology & Sports Medicine (Interdisciplinary)


National Institute of Ayurveda is a premium institute under Ministry of AYUSH. It is a deemed university running various academic programs in Ayurveda such as BAMS, MD/MS, Ph.D., DANP & Certificate Courses. Recently, NIA has launched Post-Graduate Interdisciplinary M.Sc. courses.One among the course is related to Marmology & Sports Medicine (Marma Cikitsa))

National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur


  • Understanding of various aspects of Marmalogy and Sports Medicine through an integrated approach as in addition to Ayurvedic paradigm, the modern scientific principles and methods have been incorporated in the curriculum. 


  • Job opportunities in colleges or universities or sports academies/institutions.
  • Central/State Sports Job Opportunities.
  • Addition to Clinical skill to manage related disorders.

Departments (Specialities)

 Equivalent Term
PoshanaharaAyurvedic Diet & Nutrition
Ayurveda ManuscriptologyAyurveda Manuscriptology
Ayur-Yoga Preventive CardiologyAyurveda Preventive Cardiology
Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda BheshajMarmalogy & Sports Medicine
Saundarya AyurvedaAyurveda Cosmetology
VrikshayurvedaPrevention, Cultivation & Development of Medicinal Plants

Degree to be Awarded

DepartmentDegree to be awarded
PoshanaharaM.Sc. in Ayurveda Diet and Nutrition (Poshanahara)
Ayurveda ManuscriptologyM.Sc. in Ayurveda Manuscriptology
Ayur-Yoga Preventive CardiologyM.Sc. in  Ayur-Yoga Preventive Cardiology
Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda BheshajM.Sc. in Marmalogy and Sports Medicine (Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda Bheshaj )
Saundarya AyurvedaM.Sc. in Saundarya Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Cosmetology)
VrikshayurvedaM.Sc. in Vrikshayurveda-


2 Seats in each department


DepartmentEligible Criteria
PoshanaharaBAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ B.Sc in Dietetics/M.Sc in Dietetics/ B.Sc in Food and Nutrition
Ayurveda ManuscriptologyBAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ M.A in Sanskrit
Ayur-Yoga Preventive CardiologyBAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ Other AYUSH graduates
Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda BheshajBAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ Other AYUSH graduates
Saundarya AyurvedaBAMS/BSMS/BUMS/BHMS/BYN/MBBS/ Or Equivalent Medical degree/ B.Sc. in Skin Care and Aesthetic Medicine or any equivalent degree
VrikshayurvedaBAMS/BSMS/B.Sc. (Agriculture) /B.Sc. (Horticulture)/ B.Sc. (Forestry)/ Any other Science Graduate passed with minimum 50% Marks




  • 50% marks will be from the respective field
  • Remaining 50% will be based on the general knowledge, current affairs and computer knowledge.




1ST YEARRs. 29650/- + REFUNDABLE Rs, 8000/- TOTAL = Rs.37650/-
2ND YEARRs. 26650/-

Syllabus for M.Sc. Marmology & Sports Medicine:

Paper 1: Basics of Ayurveda

Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                            Max. Marks: 100

Paper 1Basics of Ayurveda180 Hrs
1.Definition and components of Ayu, definition and aim of Ayurveda, Brief introduction of Ayurveda Samhitas.4
2.Definition of Swastha Purush, Introduction of parameters of Swasthya and Tray-upastambha.6
3.Introduction of concept of Panchmahabhuta theory, Tridosha theory and Loka Samya Purush.6
4.Introduction of concept of Saptadhatu, Mala and Ojus.4
5.Introduction of concept of Srotas.3
6.Introduction of concept of Prakriti, Mana and Atma.5
7.Introduction of concept of Raspanchaka.7
8.Introduction of Panchvidha Kashaya Kalpana.2
9.The concept of Roga, main etiological factors, Chikitsa and its types.4
10.Introduction of various sections/departments of Ayurveda and their specific activities.14
11.Description of Chikista Chatushpada and their importance in Sports Medicine5
12.Types of Vega- Dharniya and Adharniya Vega, diseases related to Vega- dharna and their Management.5
13.Pramana of Anga-Pratyanaga, Dhatu, Mala, Importance of Pramana Sharira, Calculation of Body Mass Index etc.5
14.Agni, classification of Agni, Types of Koshtha, Description of Nirmana of Various Dhatus and Updhatus in the body.5
15.Trividha     Pareeksha,     Panchavidha     Pareeksha,     Shadavidha     Pareeksha, Ashtavidha Pareeksha, Dashvidha Pareeksha and Pareekshya Bhava etc. in special relevance to Sports Medicine.12
16.Description of Roga Marga, Nija Roga and Agantuja Roga in relevance to Sports Medicine.10
17.General description of Pathya & Apathya and its importance in Sports Medicine. Virudhh Ahara – Concept, Types and Importance in Sports Medicine.7
18.Basic concept of Marma, etymological derivation, definition, number and Pramana, importance.6
19.Purva Karma, Pradhana Karma and Pashchat Karma.6
20.Principles of Sterilization, Asepsis, Antisepsis, Disinfection and Disposal of Biomedical waste6
21.Knowledge of handling of medico-legal cases and issuing MLCs and other certificates.6
Fundamental Ethical Principles in Sports Medicine, Confidentiality, Conflicts of Interest, Ethical consideration for use of Analgesics, Ethics of Sports Medicine Research.12
22.Definition        and        Classification        of        Research        –        (pure/applied; qualitative/quantitative; observational and interventional)5
23.Historical background of research in Ayurveda2
24.Introduction to Classical methods of research- Aptopdesh, Pratyaksha Anuman and Yukti6
25.Research process- Brief introduction of Selection of topic, Review of literature, Formulation of hypothesis, Aims and objectives, Materials and methods, Observation and Results.4
26.Concept of ethics in research.2
27.Publication of research, Structuring of article (IMRAD).4
28.Brief introduction of Medical Statistics.2
29.Collection and presentation of data.4
30.Definition of Average, Percentile, Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Standard Deviation and Standard Error.5
31.Parametric and Non-parametric tests.6

Paper 2: Basics of Anatomy (Sharira Rachana Vigyana) and Lifestyle and Personal Hygiene (Swasthavritta)

Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100

Paper 2Basics of Anatomy (Sharira Rachana Vigyana) and Lifestyle and Personal Hygiene (Swasthavritta)180 Hrs
Anatomy of Bones & Joints (Asthi Sandhi Sharira)Classification and description of Asthi, Sandhi, Tarunasthi, Peshi, Dhamani, Sira, Kurcha, Kandra, Jala, Asthisanghata, Seemanta, Seevani, Rajju, Lasika, Snayu according to Ayurveda and Modern.15
Musculoskeletal SystemPhysical Properties of bone, cartilage, muscle and functional adaptation under pathological conditions.15
Applied Osteology (Asthi Vigyana)General features of the following bones: Bones of skull, Vertebrae, Clavicle, Scapula, Ribs, Sternum, Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Hip bone, Femur, Tibia and Fibula, Bones of hands and feet.15
Applied Syndesmology (Sandhi Vigyana)Joints: Definition and Classification of joints: Shoulder, Elbow, Knee, Ankle, Inter-vertebral joints, Wrist joint, Small joints of hand and foot.15
Applied MyologyOrigin, insertion, nerve supply and action of all the important muscles related to human movement.15
Anatomical Angles and Joints BiomechanicsAnatomical Angles and stiff joints – Anatomical Angles, Optimal attitude for stiff joints and Snapping joints.10
Lifestyle, Dietetics and Personal Hygiene (Swasthavritta and Sadvritta)Aahara and Vihara, Rasayana, Dincharya, Ritucharya in context of Marma Vigyana and Kreeda Bheshaja.15

Paper 3: Basics of Physiology(Sharira Kriya Vigyan) and Marma Vigyana

Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                               Max. Marks: 100

Paper 3Basics of Physiology(Sharira Kriya Vigyan) and Marma Vigyana180 Hrs
PhysiologyIntroduction to Exercise Physiology.2
(Sharira Kriya Vigyana)
Factors affecting Physiological Function, Energy Transfer and Exercise Performance.8
 Blood:     The     various     components     of     blood,     Viscosity20
 correlation,          Oxyhemoglobin          Dissociation           curves,
 Interrelationship between pressure   flow   and   resistance,
 Pressure volume curves, Stress relaxation of vessels 
Cardiovascular System: Physical characteristics of systemic circulation, Pressure pulses, Oxygen demand theory of local25
blood flow circulation, Nervous control of blood circulation,
Humorous control of   blood   circulation,   Mechanisms   of
arterial pulse regulation, Hypertension, Cardiac output and
its regulation, Cardiac output in normal stress conditions,
Methods of measuring cardiac output, Normal coronary blood
flow along with variations, Physiological basis of ischemic
heart disease, The cardiac reserve, Physiological causes of
shock .
Pulmonary system: Review of mechanics of respiration,20
Pulmonary volumes and capacities, Composition of Alveolar
air, Transport of oxygen in blood, Carbon dioxide in blood,
Regulation of respiration,  Methods of  studying respiratory
Endocrinology     related      to     sports      medicine:                            Pituitary hormones                 and                   their                                functions,         Thyroid           hormones,25
Adrenocortical     hormones,     Insulin     Glucagon     hormones,
Parathyroid hormones.
Body      temperature      regulation:      Knowledge      of      Body10
temperature in hot and cold environment, general aspects of
haemostatic balance in different environments, regulation of
blood volume, osmolality and pH during exercise.
Marma VigyanaApplied aspect of individual Marma. Concept of Prana, Naadi, Srotas, Chakra and Anguli Pramana to locate Marma.35
Classification of Marma   according   to   Structure,   Region,
Prognosis, Constitution, Dimension.
Interpretation of each Marma in present context (Regional surgical anatomy). Detailed description of Tri-Marma35

Paper 4: Fundamental Principles of Sports Medicine (Kreeda Bheshaja)

Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                           Max. Marks: 100

Paper 4Fundamental Principles of Sports Medicine (Kreeda Bheshaja)180 Hrs
Introduction to Sports MedicineEtymology and Definition of Sports Medicine (Kreeda Bheshaja)2
Aim, Tasks and Characteristics of sports training.8
Scope and Importance of Kreeda Bheshaja / Sports Medicine.5
History of Sports Medicine.5
Wounds      and                         Ulcer (Vrana Vigyana)Vrana – Aetiology, classification, symptomatology, prognosis, complications and management principles of Nija and SadyoVrana. Knowledge of Shashti Upakrama, Seevana and Vrana Bandhana.25
Wounds        and         Ulcers        –        Etiology,                          classification, symptomatology,                          complications,                  prognosis,                               management25
 principles of wounds and ulcers, mechanism of wound healing. Knowledge of suture materials, Suturing techniques, dressing / bandaging materials and techniques, advanced wound closure techniques. 
Vranitopasniya – Management of Vranita /Wounded person.15
Knowledge of Sandhaniya and Ropaniya drugs.15
Musculoskeletal Injuries (Bhagna Vigyan)Bhagna – Aetiology, classification, symptomatology and investigations.20
Factors influencing the fracture healing according to Ayurvedic and Modern concept.10
Knowledge of Splints and Orthotics.15
Radiological Techniques and their use in Sports MedicineBasics of radiology and radiological imaging techniques (X- ray, CT scan, MRI, USG, Radioisotope scanning etc). Imaging of the head and neck, chest and abdomen, imaging of spine, imaging of pelvis, hip and thigh, imaging of knee joint, imaging of the lower leg, foot and ankle.20
Concept of PainConcept of Pain in Ayurveda and Contemporary Health Science15

Practical – First Year

Teaching Hours: 360 Hrs.                                                                                                                 Max. Marks: 100

Sl. NoTopic360 Hrs.
1.Cadaveric Dissection for Practical Osteology50 Hours
2.Cadaveric Study of Marma points.20 Hours
3.Measurement of Anatomical Angles20 Hours
4.Assessment of Vitals- Pulse, Blood Pressure, Temperature, Respiration etc.40 Hours
5.Practical Demonstration of Individual Marma50 Hours
6.Assessment of Wounds & Ulcers20 Hours
7.Bandaging25 Hours
8.Suturing Techniques and Suture Materials25 Hours
9Assessment of Radiographs30 Hours
10Assessment of Prakriti15 Hours
11Assessment of Pramana Sharira15 Hours
12Poorva Karma and Pashchata Karma15 Hours
13Practical Knowledge of Sterilization and Disinfection.15 Hours
14Principles of First Aid20 Hours

                                                                                     Syllabus – 2nd Year                                                                                     Paper 1: Applied Aspects of Sports Medicine (Kreeda Bheshaja)

Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                               Max. Marks: 100

Paper 1Applied Aspects of Sports Medicine (Kreeda Bheshaja)180 Hrs
Applied Prakruti Pariksha (Body Constitution Examination) in Sports MedicineSharira Prakruti, Manas Prakruti and assessment of Prakruti, Importance of Knowledge of Prakruti in Sports Medicine15
KinesiologyDefinition, aims, objectives and role of Kinesiology in sports medicine.7
Review of fundamental concepts (applied aspect), Centre of gravity, Line of gravity, Planes, Lever system in Body, Fundamental starting positions.20
Review of fundamental concepts (applied aspect), Centre of gravity, Line of gravity, Planes, Lever system in Body, Fundamental starting positions.20
Motion, type of motion, Distance and speed, Displacement and velocity, Acceleration, Angular distance and Angular displacement, Angular Speed, Angular Velocity, Angular Acceleration, Inertia, Mass, Weight, Newton’s Laws of motion, Units in linear and angular motion.25
Force and its characteristics, internal and external forces, Classification of force system, Composition and resolution of forces, Friction, Impact, Elasticity, Principles of spin and rebound, Eccentric forces. Couple, Moment, Principles of Lever, Rotatory force, Gravity, Methods of finding center of gravity, Principles of Equilibrium, Fluid mechanics, Principles of projectile.25
Assessment                and Evaluation of Sports MedicineImportance of assessment and evaluation, Methods of evaluation – Interview, Clinical Examination, Reliability and Validity of the tests, Investigative Procedures, Field Tests.15
Evaluation of Physical Fitness: Principles of assessment and prescription of exercise programs, Evaluation of Physical Fitness, Preliminary Health Screening and Classification of Risk Factors, Assessment of Body Composition, Assessment of Flexibility and designing stretching programs, Assessment of cardio-respiratory fitness, Assessing and Managing Stress, Assessing strength and muscular endurance.20
Assessment of Upper and lower limb complex.5
Assessment of spinal column and Tests of neural tension.5
EMG evaluation, diagnostic and kinesiological.5
Pre- participation Evaluation of Participants in Sports.5
Kinanthro-pometryIntroduction      and      Significance      of                                 Kinanthropometric knowledge in sports medicine.5
 Age determination – Skeletal age and Dental age.5
Body measurements – Gross size and mass, Lengths or heights of body parts, Circumstances of body parts and Skinfold thickness.4
Kinanthropometric study group measurements.5
Body proportions – Body mass index, The phantom stratagem, The Z – scores, The O – scale system.3
Body composition – Different Body composition and various methods to estimate body composition.3
Somatotyping: Methods of Somatotyping and Somatotype distribution.3
Growth, maturation and physical performance.5

Paper 2: Applied Sports Sciences (Kreeda Vigyana)

Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                                Max. Marks: 100

Paper 2Applied Sports Sciences (Kreeda Vigyana)180 Hrs
BiomechanicsNature     and      importance     of     Biomechanics     in      Sports Physiotherapy.5
Principles of Biomechanics.5
Introduction to biomechanical analysis. Recruitment & techniques – Isokinetic dynamometer, kinesiological EMG, electronic goniometer, force platform, videography.5
Biomechanics of shoulder and shoulder girdle motion, elbow motion, wrist and hand motion, pelvic motion, hip motion, knee motion, ankle and foot motion, spinal motion.5
Gait analysis.5
Biomechanics of rowing, throwing, swimming, jumping and landing, running and other sports.5
Exercise PhysiologyEnergy Transfer for Physical activity: Energy transfer in Body, Energy transfer in exercise, Energy expenditure during various activities, Fatigue, Biochemical responses to endurance training.10
Cardio Vascular System and Exercise: Athletes Heart, Cardio Vascular adaptations to sustained aerobic exercises, Lipids and sports, protection from coronary heart disease, exercise and optimization of lipid profile, Sudden cardiac death in sports, Regulation of circulation during exercise.20
Respiratory System and Exercise: Air Conditioning, Second Wind, Oxygen Debt, Breathe Holding, High Pressure Ventilation, Scuba Diving, Athletes Lung, Regulation of Respiration during exercise.20
Skeletal System and Exercise: Growth and Exercise, Repair and adaptation during exercise, Pathophysiology of Back, raining for Muscular Strength and Endurance.20
 Gastrointestinal Tract and Endocrine system and Exercise: Effect of Sports on GIT and Liver, Hormone regulation of fluid and electrolytes during exercise, Exercise and Menstrual Cycle, Stress Hormones in Exercise, Effects of exercise on various Hormones in the body, Opioids, Runners High.20
Sports PsychologyImportance and current status of Sports Psychology, Personality Assessment and sports personality, Cognitive Process, Concentration training in sports, Motivational orientation in sports, Pre-competitive anxiety, Relaxation Training, Aggression in sports, Role of Psychology in Dealing with injuries, Eating disorders, Goal setting – Psychological aspect of doping, Psychological preparation of elite athletes, Concept of psychological preparation, Biofeedback training, Mental imagery and Stress, Team Behaviour and leadership, Emotion.40

Paper 3: Clinical Sports Medicine (Kreeda Bheshaja)

Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                                Max. Marks: 100

Paper 3Clinical Sports Medicine (Kreeda Bheshaja)180 Hrs
Ayurvedic Principles of TreatmentShamana Chikitsa- Langhan, Deepan, Paachan, Oushadh and Upanah Chikitsa. (5)5
Panchakarma and its application in Sports medicineAbhyang, Swedan, Shashtikashalipindaswed, Kaya seka, Patrapottalipindaswed, Janu vasti, Kati vasti, Anuvasan and Niruh vasti in various chronic ailments such as Post traumatic stiffness, Musculoskeletal and Neurological conditions, Shirodhar and Shiropichu in sports related anxiety.20
Para surgical procedures (Anu Shalya Karma)Para surgical procedures and their application in sports medicine– Role of Agni Karma and Raktavsechana.10
Yoga and its application in Sports MedicineMeaning and definition of Yoga. Ashtanga Yoga – Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahar, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.5
Concept of Yoga Asanas, Pranayama – Types, methods and benefits and Shatchakras.5
Relaxation training through Yognidra and Meditation.5
Role of Yoga in enhancing core strength, balance and coordination for improving exercise performance and prevention of injuries, flexibility and mental strength and concentration.8
The role of Specific Asanas in improving performance and rehabilitation.8
Sports NutritionIntroduction to Nutrition, Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Fluids and Electrolytes, Acid- Base Balance in special reference to sports nutrition.5
Role of Ayurveda in meeting specific nutrition need, instant energy, sustained energy etc.5
 Nutritional supplements, macronutrient supplements, metabolites and botanical ergogenic supplements. Role of Ayurveda in nutrition supplementation.10
Sports specific nutrition – nutrition for popular team sports, Racket sports, Endurance sports, Weight- dependent balance sports, water sports etc.10
Clinical sports nutrition- Athletes with nutrition related disorders- osteoporosis, sports anaemia etc.5
Athletes with gastrointestinal disorders, food allergies and food intolerance food related adverse reactions etc.6
Food psychology- effect of psychology on eating behavior and food choices, biological and learning influences and social influence on food choice.5
Nutrition for special groups- Paralympic athlete, sport injury and rehabilitation, nutrition for athletes with special dietary needs.8
Management Principles of Tissue Injuries (Bones, Muscles, Ligaments, Tendons and Joints)Bhagna – General management principles and Prognosis.5
Modern concept of Bone and Joint injuries – General management principles.10
Individual Bone and Joint injuries – General management principles.20
External immobilization techniques – Classical and traditional Kusha – splints, Plaster of Paris Technique, Knowledge of different splints and Plasters.15
Rehabilitation of trauma patient and Principles of Sukhchestaprachara – Physiotherapy and its use in skeletal injuries.10

Paper 4: Marma Chikitsa and Sports Physical Therapy

Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                               Max. Marks: 100

Paper 4Marma Chikitsa and Sports Physical Therapy180 Hrs
Sports TraumatologyCauses, Mechanism and Prevention of Sports injuries.5
Common acute and overuse injuries of – Shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand, pelvis, hip, thigh, knee, leg, ankle and foot Spine, head, Sporting emergencies and first aid and pharmacological treatment of injuries in the athletes.10
Sports specific injuries, with special emphasis on the specific risk factor, nature of sports, kind of medical intervention anticipated and prevention with respect to individual sports – Individual events: Field and Track, Team events: Hockey, Cricket, Football, Contact and Non-contact sports, Water sports specific injuries.15
Sports Injuries and their Management PrinciplesVascular, Nerve, Head, Chest, Abdomen, Pelvis and Spine.20
Marma Chikitsa in Sports InjuryClinical features, prognosis of Marmaghata during sports and its Marma Chikitsa.10
VarmologyFundamentals, general and specific rules of Varmam treatment in various musculoskeletal and neurological conditions.10
Physical Medicine in sportsRehabilitation and Therapeutic ExercisesGoals and Objectives of Rehabilitation in Sports, Clinical Evaluation                phases                of rehabilitation. (multidisciplinary approach).5
Effects and uses of therapeutic exercises – Dynamic Exercises, Plyometric Exercises, Isokinetic Exercises,                        Manipulative Techniques and Kinetic chain exercises.10
Neuromuscular TrainingNeuromuscular control, methods for improving neuromuscular control, proprioception and kinaesthetic sensation following different sport injuries.5
Principles and application of neuromuscular                  facilitation techniques including PNF in sports.5
Health club and fitness: Concept, group therapy.5
Physical Therapy and law: Medico legal aspects of physiotherapy, liability, negligence, malpractice, licensure,                work                man compensation.5
Morale and Ethics: Ethical Analysis of moral problem, ethical issues in physiotherapy.5
Emergency CareCardiopulmonary resuscitation, Shock management, Internal and External bleeding, Splinting, Stretcher use – Handling and transfer, Management of Cardiac arrest, Acute asthma, Epilepsy, Drowning, Burn, Medical management of mass participation, Heat stroke and Heat illness.10
Sports Physical TherapyMassage – Classification, Physiological effects, Therapeutic applications and Contraindications.5
Heat Therapy – Classification, Physiological effects, Therapeutic applications and Contraindications and specific uses in sports of the following: Infrared rays, Parafin Wax Bath, Steam Bath, Sauna Bath, Moist Heat Pack, Fluid therapy, Mud Bath and Pelloids.10
 Hydrotherapy – Effects of simple baths, raising temperature baths, baths with additives, Aromatic baths, Mineral baths,5
Physical baths, Hydroelectric baths, Stammer baths, Whirl
pool bath, Showers and Steam showers.
Electrotherapy      –      Classification,      Physiological      effects,5
Therapeutic applications and   Contraindications   and   the
specific uses in Sports Physiotherapy.
Low Frequency Current: Direct Current, Modified Direct4
Current,        Alternative       Current,        Diadynamic       Current,
Iontophoresis      TENS,      High      Voltage,      Pulsed      Galvanic
Medium Frequency Current: IFT, Russian Currents.3
High Frequency Currents: SWD, MWD, Ultrasound, Pulsed Electromagnetic Energy.4
Radiations:       LASER,       UVR.       Recent       Advancement      in Electrotherapy, Electrodiagnosis and its implications to4
Sports Physiotherapy.
Functional Bandages and Orthotic Aids – Uses of functional bandages, types of bandages, bandaging techniques and5
bandaging material, indications, contraindications athletic
shoes and modifications, common orthotic aid and appliances
in Sports.
Cryotherapy – Physiological effects, use of cold therapy in acute phase, rehabilitative phase, preventive phase of athletic5
injury,        methods       of       application,        indications        and
Manual      Therapy     –     Introduction     to     manual     therapy techniques, joint techniques, manual joint therapy, traction,6
basic principles of manipulation for various disorders of the
spine and extremities.

Practical – Second Year

Teaching Hours: 360 Hrs.                                                                                                                          Max. Marks: 100

Sl. No.Practical360 Hrs.
1Assessment of Prakruti20
2Practical Kinesiology20
3Assessment and Evaluation of Physical Fitness25
4Practical Kinanthro-Pometry25
5Practical demonstration of Sports Physiotherapy20
6Practical Training of Physiotherapy in Trauma Patients20
7Gait Analysis10
8Demonstration of Biomechanical Techniques20
9Assessment of Sports Personality20
10Practical Demonstration of Panchakrama Procedures20
11Training of Anushalya Karma like Agni Karma , Rakta Mokshana20
12Practical Demonstration of Yoga Techniques20
13Assessment of Sports Nutrition10
14Demonstration of Management of Tissue Injuries20
15Practical Demonstration of Management of Sports Injuries20
16Practical Demonstration of Marma Chikitsa20
17Practical Demonstration of Varmam Treatment20
18Demonstration of Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Exercises10
19Demonstration of Various techniques of Sports Physical Therapy20

2 thoughts on “M.Sc. Marmology & Sports Medicine (Interdisciplinary)”

  1. Hi, Iam DrMythri , also a national athlete I just graduated and wanted to learn more about sports medicine in Ayurveda as I am an athlete myself.
    It would be great if you help me out with it and provide me the details regarding enrolling in it

  2. Dr roopak kumar

    Hi I am the student of final year bams from Bangalore I am interested in doing MSC in sports, as I am good in physiotherapy at my personal level of experience. So I am interested in sports as a Brite future can you advise more details to pursue it.

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