Identify the right description of प्रकृति
How many types of परिषत् are mentioned by आचार्य चरक?
बुद्धिभेद, आकारभेद are used to prove ………… वाद
Identify the wrong one among the following regards to प्रकृतिपुरुषयोः साधर्म्य
"स्वदोषपरिहारार्थं परदोषप्रमाणार्थं" is said in relation to……
"केचित्तत्रापि मन्यन्ते हेतुं हेतोरवर्तनम्" is told with respect to which वाद?
तद्विद्यासम्भाषा are of ……. Types
"सप्तभंगी" is related to …….दर्शन
Identify the wrong description of पुरुष
"रज्जुसर्पन्याय" is related to ……..दर्शन
"स्वभावोपरमवाद" is explained in …..
"ज्ञानाभियोगसंहर्षकरी भवति, वैशारद्यमपि चाभिनिर्वर्तयति, वचनशक्तिमपि चाधत्ते.." is said in relation to……
"ब्रह्म सत्यं जगन्मिथ्या" is the principle of …….दर्शन
"कथयन् विस्रब्धः कथयेत्, पृच्छेदपि च विस्रब्धः, पृच्छते चास्मै विस्रब्धाय विशदमर्थं ब्रूयात्" is said in relation to……
ज्ञानोपाय are …… in number
"जीवितं बुद्बुदपायम्" is told with respect to which वाद?