

Organised by

Brahmabhumi Health Research Centre, Malangwa & Nepal Arogyasangathan, Dumariya, Sarlahi, Nepal 2023

on 8th – 10th November, 2023 at Jankapur, Madhesh Pradesh, Nepal

Healing the world through Ayurveda…

About the Conference


“Swasthya 2023” International Conference on Ayurveda for Global Health is an initiative which is being organised for the first time ever at Janakpurdham, Nepal with the sole purpose to introduce, orient & engage citizens of the region with the most effective and precise Traditional Medicinal Technique of Human race: Ayurveda. Eminent Ayurveda Doctors, Traditional Experts, Student-Scholars & Practitioners of Ayurveda, from more than 25 Nationalities and 2500+ delegates are expected to attend the event.


Proposed conference aims to popularise and publicise the outreach growth and importance of Ayurveda in entire Indian Sub-continent especially in Nepal. It shall also explore challenges & way ahead roadmaps for Ayurveda to spread across the Globe.


Organisation Commi tee

Chief-Patrons : Sri Dinesh Singh, Chairperson “BAVAS”

Patrons : Prof. A K Singh, Prof. P K Parjapati, Prof. G K Jain

Convener & Culture Lead : Sri Makrand Harshad Shukla

Dr Mital Makarand Shukla

Organising Chairman :  Dr Rakesh Kumar Singh, Nepal

Organising Secretary : Dr Asha Jha, Nepal,

Dr Srihari Sheshagiri, India

Jt. Organising Secretaries : Dr Suchit Sharma, Nepal

Dr Jyothy KB, India

Dr Minakshi Singh, Nepal

Treasurer : Sri Rajesh Kumar Singh, Nepal

Nepal Coordinator : Dr. Yogesh Vaidya,

Dr. Manish Kumar Singh & Dr. Umesh Mehta

International Coordinators Dr Lokesh Agrdhari, India Dr Jyothy KB, India

Dr InAmurA Hiroe Sharma Japan Dr Gyaneshwar Sing G, Mauritius Dr Senani Kalawana, Srilanka

Dr Babul Akhtar, Bangladesh Dr Nazmul Huda, Bangladesh Dr Dhiraj Daya, South-Africa

Dr Choosri Lertphadungchai, Thailand Dr Temlyn          ovender, USA



Vd Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary AYUSH, GOI Prof Anup Thakar ITRA, Jamnagar

Prof K S Dhiman, Haryana Prof A K Singh, Gorakhpur Prof B L Gaur, Jaipur

Prof Meeta Kotecha, Jaipur, Rajasthan Prof Mahesh Dadhich, Haryana

Dr G Babu, CCRAS, Kolkatta Dr Rajagopala S, Australia

Prof Harishankar Sharma, Japan Dr InAmurA Hiroe Sharma, Japan

Dr Manjusha Rajgopla  AIIA , New Delhi

Dr Ramkameshwar Thakur, Nardevi Hospital, Kathmandu Dr Girdhar Gopal Sharma, Jaipur

Dr Srikrishna Khandel, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Vd. Tapankumar Madhusudan Vaidya, Gujarat Dr Haridra Dave, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Dr Uma Pandey, Patna

Dr Kalpana S Patel, Jamnagar

Dr Kamini Dhiman, AIIA, New Delhi Dr A S Baghel, Jamnagar

Dr Mahesh Kumar Sharma, Gwalior Dr K L Sharma, Gwalior

Dr Dipak Kulshrestha, Rewa, MP

Dr Sri Ram Sharma, Udaipur, Rajasthan Vd Harinath Jha, Anand, Gujarat

Dr Rakesh Sharma, Paprola , Himachal Dr Ravi Shrivastava, Jabalpur, MP


Programme Schedule



Day 1: 8/11/23

Registration and Breakfast: 7.00 to 10.00 am Inaugural Session: 10.00 am to 11.30 am

Tea Break : 11.30 am – 12.00 Noon Scientific Session – 1 : 12 Noon to 1.30 pm Lunch : 1.30 pm – 3 pm

Scientific Session – 2 : 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm Followed by high tea.

Cultural Event: 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm Followed by dinner.

Day 2: 9/11/23

Breakfast: 8.00 am to 9.30 am

Scientific Session -3 : 9.30 am to 11.00 am Tea Break : 11.00 am – 11.30 am

Scientific Session -4 : 11.30 am to 1 pm Lunch : 1.00 pm – 2.30 pm



Parallel Sessions of Paper and Poster presentation by the delegates : 2.30 pm to 6 pm

Cultural Event: 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm Followed by dinner.



Day 3: 10/11/23

Breakfast: 8.00 am to 9.30 am

Valedictory function : 10.00 am – 12.00 noon Lunch : 12 noon onwards


Rest of the day Site Seeing

Themes for Paper/Poster presentation

Evidence based clinical trials/practices on Ayurveda pertaining to all Ashtanga

Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological standardisation of herbal, mineral and herbo- mineral drugs of Ayurveda

Innovation in Ayurveda Education and Teaching Modalities

Ayurveda at global level: Scope and Challenges (Specific to country)




For Paper presentation:

Time allotted: 6min + 1 min Grace Maximum Slides : 12- 15

Font Size : Heading 28 and Body 20-24 Follow 6×6 rule while preparing slides


Original work should be in IMRAD format with necessary references in Vancouver Style for both Paper and Poster


Abstract to be submitted in word format through email : director@brahmabhumi.org


For Poster presentation:

Size: 4 feet length (height) and 3 feet width Components of

  • Title
  • Name of the presenter
  • Guide Name
  • Name of the college Content of Poster

Registration Details

Registration Link: : https://forms.gle/723TvrLdPQny7juu7


Registration Fee

Includes entry to all the scientific session, exhibition and trade meet. Kit, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner


For International Delegates : 100 $ Early Bird registration is up to 15th Oct. 2023

For Indian and Nepal Delegates: Fees are mentioned in registration form. Early Bird registration is up to 15th Oct. 2023

Registration fee does not include Accommodation

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