M.Sc. in Ayurveda Cosmetology (Saundarya Ayurveda) Interdisciplinary


National Institute of Ayurveda is a premium institute under Ministry of AYUSH. It is a deemed university running various academic programs in Ayurveda such as BAMS, MD/MS, Ph.D., DANP & Certificate Courses. Recently, NIA has launched Post-Graduate Interdisciplinary M.Sc. courses.One among the course is related to Ayurveda Cosmetology (Saundarya Ayurveda)

National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur


Basic understanding of skin care, hair care and beauty according to Ayurveda Siddhanta.

· Recognize and categorize the various body constituents of the health seeker.

· Enrich the knowledge to tackle the impact of seasonal variations on skins hairs, nails and other aspects of beauty.

· Enable to diagnose and treat various skin and hair problems.

· Enable to prepare various cosmetic products as per Ayurveda


Entrepreneurship and setting up of own Ayurvedic beauty and cosmetic clinics/wellness centers/spas as per their respective basic qualifications.

2. Preparation of different cosmeceuticals from different herbs.

3. To work as professional cosmetic and wellness experts in reputed hospitals, hotels and resorts.

4. To work as researcher in aesthetic medicine in R & D department of various pharmaceutical companies, other organizations.

Departments (Specialities)

 Equivalent Term
PoshanaharaAyurvedic Diet & Nutrition
Ayurveda ManuscriptologyAyurveda Manuscriptology
Ayur-Yoga Preventive CardiologyAyurveda Preventive Cardiology
Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda BheshajMarmalogy & Sports Medicine
Saundarya AyurvedaAyurveda Cosmetology
VrikshayurvedaPrevention, Cultivation & Development of Medicinal Plants

Degree to be Awarded

DepartmentDegree to be awarded
PoshanaharaM.Sc. in Ayurveda Diet and Nutrition (Poshanahara)
Ayurveda ManuscriptologyM.Sc. in Ayurveda Manuscriptology
Ayur-Yoga Preventive CardiologyM.Sc. in  Ayur-Yoga Preventive Cardiology
Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda BheshajM.Sc. in Marmalogy and Sports Medicine (Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda Bheshaj )
Saundarya AyurvedaM.Sc. in Saundarya Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Cosmetology)
VrikshayurvedaM.Sc. in Vrikshayurveda-


2 Seats in each department


DepartmentEligible Criteria
PoshanaharaBAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ B.Sc in Dietetics/M.Sc in Dietetics/ B.Sc in Food and Nutrition
Ayurveda ManuscriptologyBAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ M.A in Sanskrit
Ayur-Yoga Preventive CardiologyBAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ Other AYUSH graduates
Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda BheshajBAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ Other AYUSH graduates
Saundarya AyurvedaBAMS/BSMS/BUMS/BHMS/BYN/MBBS/ Or Equivalent Medical degree/ B.Sc. in Skin Care and Aesthetic Medicine or any equivalent degree
VrikshayurvedaBAMS/BSMS/B.Sc. (Agriculture) /B.Sc. (Horticulture)/ B.Sc. (Forestry)/ Any other Science Graduate passed with minimum 50% Marks




  • 50% marks will be from the respective field
  • Remaining 50% will be based on the general knowledge, current affairs and computer knowledge.




1ST YEARRs. 29650/- + REFUNDABLE Rs, 8000/- TOTAL = Rs.37650/-
2ND YEARRs. 26650/-

Syllabus for M.Sc. in Ayurveda Cosmetology (Saundarya Ayurveda):


Teaching Hours: 135                                                                                                                               Max. Marks- 100

Sl. No.Basics in Ayurveda130 Hrs
 Unit: 01 
1.Definition and Components of Ayu, Definition and Aim of Ayurveda, Brief introduction of Ayurveda Samhitas.2
2.Definition of Swasthapurush, introduction of parameters of Swasthya and Tray-upastambha.3
3.Introduction of concept of Panchmahabhuta theory, Tridosha theory and Lokasamyapurush.6
4.Introduction of concept of Saptadhatu, Mala and Ojus4
5.Introduction of concept of Srotas3
6.Introduction of concept of Prakriti, Mana and Atma5
7.Introduction of concept of Raspanchaka7
8.Introduction of Panchvidhakshayakalpana2
9.The concept of Roga, Main etiological factors, Chikitsa and its types4
10.Introduction of various sections/departments of Ayurveda and their specific activities14
 Unit: 02 
11.Definition of word research and classification of research – (pure/applied; qualitative/quantitative; observational and interventional)5
12.Historical Background of Research in Ayurveda2
13.Introduction to Classical methods of research-Aptopdesh, PratyakshaAnuman and Yukti6
14.Research process- Brief introduction of Selection of topic, Review of literature, Formulation of hypothesis, Aims and objectives, Materials and methods, Observation and Results.4
15.Concept of Ethics in Research.2
16.Publication of research, Structuring of Article (IMRAD)4
17.Brief introduction of Medical Statistics2
18.Collection and Presentation of Data4
19.Definition of Average, Percentile, Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Standard Deviation and Standard Error5
20.Parametric and Non-parametric Tests6
 Unit: 03 
21.Clinical approach and relevance of Tridosh Siddhant.5
22.Clinical approach and relevance of Dhatu.5
23.Clinical approach and relevance of Strotas.3
24.Clinical approach and relevance of Rog rogipareeksha.3
25.Clinical approach and relevance of Rog marg.2
26.Clinical approach and relevance of Shadvidha Upkrama.10
27.Basic knowledge of diagnostic tools like CBC,LFT,KFT etc.10
28.Basic information of Siravedhana,Ksharkarma,Agnikarma,ViddhaChikitsa etc.2
29.Basic concept of Lifestyle according to Ayurveda.5


Teaching Hours: 135                                                                                                                               Max. Marks – 100

Unit-1 Introduction to Beauty (10 Hrs)

Sl. No.TopicDuration
1.Introduction to Saundarya Ayurveda Definitions and different interpretations of Saundarya AyurvedaInterrelation between health (swasthhya) and beauty.1 Hr
2.Historical aspects of Saundarya Ayurveda Evolution of cosmetology in ancient world.Development of beauty care in ancient India.Historical background of beauty care in vedic period, samhitaperiod, modern periodIntroduction to the important texts related to beauty care.1 Hr
3.Concept of beauty and cosmetology- Ayurveda and Modern aspect Extensive study of pancamahabhutasiddhanta and tridoshasiddhanta in relation to saundarya.Theoretical and practical approach to prakruti analysisStudy of saraparikshaInternal beauty through acara rasayanaIntroduction to the modern cosmetology4 Hrs
4.Introduction to beauty care routines Dental care routinesImportance of dinacarya and ritucarya in beauty careSkin care routinesHair, nail, and lip care routinesEye care4 Hrs

Unit-2 Anatomy and Physiology of Skin (50 Hrs.)

1.TwachaSharira(Skin anatomy)- Ayurveda and Modern aspect Detailed anatomy of skin according to Ayurveda and modernPhysiological functions related skin according to Ayurveda and modernRecommendations of diet and nutrition for healthy skin15 Hrs
2.Immunology, molecular biology and genetics in relation to the skin. Concept of immunologyImmunological functions of skinFundamentals of molecular biologyApplied aspect of molecular biology in beauty careIntroduction to geneticsMechanisms of gene mutation and its effects on skinConcept of vyadhikshamatvaand its role in beauty care15 Hrs
3.SwedavahaSrotas- Anatomy and Physiology Detailed anatomy and physiology of swedavahasrotasaBiology of eccrine and apocrine sweat glandsImportance of sweat glands in beauty care10 Hrs
4.Assessment of skin type based on AyurvedicPrakriti (Body constitution). Analysis of skin types by pancaindriyaparikshabased on prakrutiModern techniques to use in skin analysis10 Hrs

Unit-3 Anatomy and Physiology of hair, nail, eye etc. beauty segments (35hrs)

1.Concept of Keshayurveda -Ayurveda and Modern aspect Anatomy and physiology of hairHair typesHair growthRecommendations of diet and nutrition for healthy hair15 Hrs
2.Biology of hair follicles, sebaceous glands5 Hrs
3.Nail and eye –Anatomy and physiology Nail growthRecommendations of diet and nutrition for healthy nails and eyes.15 Hrs

Unit-4 Metabolism & Beauty (40 hrs)

1.Role of Metabolism in Beauty Study on agni, ama and koshtaAharapakaandPoshanasiddhanta15 Hrs
2Principles of nutrition and health5 Hrs
3Detailed knowledge of Ahara according to Prakriti. Satmya and asatmaya concept5 Hrs
4Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and steroids by the skin5 Hrs
5Effect of Ahara- Vihara in prevention and maintenance of beauty5 Hrs
6Viruddhaahara5 Hrs


Teaching Hours: 135                                                                                                                               Max. Marks- 100

Unit-1 Aushadha Karma (15 Hrs)

1Knowledge of Karma related to skin and beauty- Varnya, Keshya, Vayahsthapana, Lekhaneeya, Swedapanayana, Vishaghna, Raktaprasadan, Kandughna, Krimighna, Vayahsthapan, Rasayana, Balya, Jivaniya etc.15 Hrs

Unit-2 Herbs (120 Hrs)

Identification, properties and actions of Herbs related to skin and hair like-

Sl. No.TopicDuration
1.Varnya Herbs (Chandana – Santalum album – Heart wood, Tunga – Calophylluminophyllum Stem bark/Seeds, Padmaka – Prunuscerasoides –  Heart wood, Ushira Vetiver – Vetiveriazizanioides – Roots, Madhuka – Licorice – Glycyrrhizaglabra Rhizome, Manjistha – (Rubiacordifolia Linn). – Whole plant, Sariva – Indian Sarsaparilla – Hemidesmusindicus – Roots, Payasya – Ipomoea paniculata – Tubers, Sita-(Shweta durva) – white variety of Cynodondactylon – Whole plant, Lata (black variety of Cynodondactylon Pers.) – Whole plant)etc.10 Hrs
2.Keshya Herbs – Vibhitak –Terminaliabellirica Roxb., Yashthinadhu – Glycyrrhizaglabra Linn.,Bakuchi-Psoraleacorylifolia Linn., Bhallatak– Semicarpusanacardium, Gambhari – Gmelinaarborea, Nirgundi-Vitexnegun- do Linn. Gunja– Abrusprecatorius Linn., Neeli-Indigoferatinctoria, Bhringraaj-Ecliptaalba, Saireyak-Barleriaprionitis, Japapushpa-Hibiscus rosasinensis, Beejak Pterocarpusmarsupium, Kashisham, Tila – Sesamumindicum, Kadali-Musa sapientum, Avidugdh – Sheep milk etc.10 Hrs
3.Vayahsthapana Herbs Amruta (Tinsporacordifolia) – Stem, Abhaya – Terminaliachebula – Fruit rind, Dhatri (EmblicaofficinalisGaertn.) – Fruits, Mukta (pearl) – Organic ash/Bhasma, Shveta (white variety of Clitoriaternatea Linn.) – Roots,Jivanti – Leptadeniareticulata – Roots, Shatavari – Asparagus root – Asparagus racemosus – Roots, Mandukaparni (Centellaasiatica Urban) – Whole plant, Sthira – Desmodiumgangeticum – Roots, Punarnava (Boerhaaviadiffusa Linn.) – Rootsetc.10 Hrs
4.Lekhaneeya Herbs Musta (Cyperusrotundus Linn.) – Rhizome, Kushta – Saussurealappa – Rhizome,Haridra (turmeric – Curcuma longa) – Rhizome,DaruHaridra – Tree Turmeric (stem) – Berberisaristata – Roots,Vacha (Acoruscalamus Linn.) – Rhizome,Ativisa (Aconitum heterophyllum Wall.) – Roots,Katurohini – Picrorhizakurroa – Rhizome,Chitraka– Leadword – Plumbagozeylanica – Roots,Chirabilva – Holopteliaintegrifolia –Stem bark,Haimavati – Iris versocolor – Rhizome etc.10 Hrs
5.Swedapanayana Herbs Shobhanjanaka– Moringa (Moringaoleifera)-Seeds and leaves, Eranda – Castor (Ricinuscommunis Linn.)-Seeds and roots, Arka – Calotropisgigantia- Leaves and roots, Vrischira (white variety of Boerhaaviadiffusa Linn.)-Roots or whole plant, Punarnava (red variety of Boerhaaviadiffusa Linn.)-Roots or whole plant, Yava – Barley (Hordeumvulgare)-Seeds, Tila – Sesame (Sesamumindicum)-Seeds, Kulattha (Dolichosbiflorus Linn.)- Horse gram Seeds, Masha (Phaseolusmungo Linn.) -Seeds, Badara – Zizyphus jujube-Fruits and seeds.10 Hrs
6.Vishaghna Herbs Haridra (Curcuma longa) Rhizome, Manjishtha (RubiacordifoliaRootLinn), Suvaha Roots (Plunchealanceolataoliver&hiern), Sukshmaela seeds (Elettariacardamomum, Palindi Root(Operculinaturpethum), Chandana (Santalum album), Kataka (StrychnospotatoriumLinnn.f), Sirish (Albizzialebbeckbenth).              Sinduvara(Vitexnergundo),                                                                Sleshmatak (Cordiadichotoma) etc.10 Hrs
7.Raktaprasadan Herbs Madhu – Honey, Madhuka – Licorice – Glycyrrhizaglabra – Root, Rudhira (Crocus sativa Linn.) – Gall, Mocharasa (Salmaliamalabarica Schott &Endl.) – Resin/     exudate,         Mritkapala – Earthen pot pieces, Lodhra (Symplocosracemosa) – Stem bark, Gairika (Ferrumhaematite) – Red ochre, Priyangu (Callicaramacrophylla) – Seeds, Khanda Sharkara – Organic sugar candy, Laja – fried paddy/ parched riceetc.10 Hrs
8.Kandughna Herbs Chandana – Sandalwood – Santalum album-Heart wood, Nalada (Nardostachysjatamamsi DC.)-Root, Kritamala (Cassia fistula Linn.)-Stem bark/Fruits, Naktamala – Karanja (PongamiapinnataMerr.)- Stem bark, Nimba – Neem (Azadirachtaindica)-Stem bark, Kutaja – Connessi (Holarrhenaantidysenterica Wall.)-Bark, Sarshapa – Mustard – (Brassica nigra Koch.)-Seeds, Madhuka– Licorice – Glycyrrhizaglabra -Roots, Daru Haridra – Tree Turmeric (stem) – Berberisaristata -Roots, Musta (Cyperusrotundus) –Rhizome etc.10 Hrs
9.Krimighna Herbs Aksheeva (Moringaoleifera Lam.)-Seeds/Stem bark, Maricha – Black pepper fruit –Piper nigrum-Seeds, Gandira (Euphorbia antiquorum Linn.)-Stem bark, Kebuka – Costusspeciosus -Roots, Vidanga – False Black Pepper (EmbeliaribesBurm. f.)-Seeds,Nirgundi (Vitexnegundo) – Leaves/Root, Kinihi – Apamarga (Achyranthesaspera Linn.)-Whole plant, Shwadamstra – Gokshura –      (Tribulusterrestris)-Seeds,      Vrisaparnika      (Ipomoea      sp.)-      Tubers, Akhuparnika (Ipomoea reniformisChois)-Whole plant)etc.10 Hrs
10.Vayahsthapan HerbsAmruta (Tinsporacordifolia) – Stem,Abhaya – Terminaliachebula – Fruit rind,Dhatri (EmblicaofficinalisGaertn.) – Fruits,Mukta (pearl) – Organic ash/Bhasma,Shveta (white variety of Clitoriaternatea Linn.) – Roots, Jivanti – Leptadeniareticulata – Roots,Shatavari – Asparagus root – Asparagus racemosus – Roots, Mandukaparni (Centellaasiatica Urban) – Whole plant,Sthira – Desmodiumgangeticum – Roots, Punarnava (Boerhaaviadiffusa Linn. ) – Roots etc.10 Hrs
11.Rasayana Herbs Balya – Aindri (Citrulluscolocynthis) –Root, Rishabhi – Rishabhaka – Manilkarahexandra-Root,Atirasa – Asparagus – Asparagausracemosus– Root,Rishyaprokta – Teramnuslabialis,Payasya – Impomoeapaniculata – Rhizome,Ashwagandha – Winter Cherry / Indian ginseng – Withaniasomnifera–Root,Sthira – Desmodiumgangeticum – Root, Katukarohini – Picrorhizakurroa-Root, Bala – Country mallow– Sidacordifolia-Root,Atibala – Abutilon indicum –Rootetc.10 Hrs
12.Jivaniya Herbs Jeevaka– Malaxis acuminate-Root, Rishabhaka Manilkarahexandra -Root , Meda                –                   Polygonatumcirrhifolium-Root,Mahameda                Polygonatumverticillatum-Root, Kakoli Fritillariaroylei-Root, KshiraKakoliRoscoeapurpurea / Liliumpolyphyllum-Root, Mudgaparni – Phaseolustrilobus -Root and whole plant, Mashaparni Teramnuslabialis – Root and whole plant, Jivanti Leptadeniareticulata –Root,Madhuka– Licorice – Glycyrrhizaglabra-Root etc.10 Hrs


Teaching Hours: 135                                                                                                                               Max. Marks- 100

Unit-1 Knowledge of Basic Procedures for Beauty (60 hrs)

Sl. No.TopicDuration
1.Skin cleansing, toning, tanning removal, face packs and moisturizing techniques based on Ayurvedicdoshic analysis and prakriti with specific Ayurvedic herbs and preprations.20 Hrs
2.Customization of Hair conditioning in daily care according to individual with keshya Herbs and further Ayurvedic herbs and preprations.15 Hrs
3.Body massage techniques with specific Ayurvedic herbs and preprations based on different doshic condition and related skin disease.15 Hrs
4.Hastapaadaprasadhana (Ayurveda pedicure and manicure with specific Ayurvedic herbs and preprations with doshic analysis.)10 Hrs

Unit-2 Aromatherapy (Sugandhachikitsa) (20hrs)

1.Basic concept of Sugandhachikitsa2 Hrs
2.Types of Sugandhachikitsa2 Hrs
3.Herbs of SugandhachikitsalikeAjmoda (Carumroxburghianum), Choraka (Angelica glauca), Brahmi (Bacopamonnieri), BrihatEla (Amomumsubulatum), Twak (Cinnamomunzeylanicum), Kumkum (Crocus sativus), Tagar (Valerianawallichi), AardraDhanyaka (fresh leaves of Coriandrumsativum), Mishreya (Foeniculumvulgare), Nimba (Azadirachtaindica), Taruni (Rosa centifolia), Madyantika (Lawsoniainermis), Ketaka (Pandanusodorotissimus)- although it is UshnaVirya but by virtue its rasa and prabhava it is potent Pitta shamak, Ushir (Vetiveriazizanoidis), Shunthi (Zingiberofficinale), Hapusha (Juniperuscommunis), Karpoor (Cinnamomumcamphora), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Kankola (Piper cubeba), Jatiphala (Myristicafragrans), Sarshapa (Brassica campestris), Vacha (Acoruscalamus) etc.10 Hrs
4.Aesthetic Uses3 Hrs
5.Therapeutic uses3 Hrs

Unit-3 Introduction of Modern Aesthetic Medicine (30hrs)

Sl. No.TopicDuration
1.Epidemiology of Skin Disease15 Hrs
2.General Aspects of Treatment of aesthetic medicine like – Injections of Neurotoxins and Dermal Fillers, Chemical Peels, Cosmetic Dermatologytreatments, Microdermabrasion, Body Contouring and Treatment of Cellulite,Nutrition,HairTransplant,HairReduction,Fat Grafting/Platelet                     Rich                     Plasma,Laser                     and IPL,ScarManagement,Venous Treatment, Cosmetic Gynecology15 Hrs

Unit-4 Instruments in cosmetology (25 hrs)

1Primary information of modern instruments and techniques used in cosmetology like Microdermabrader, Radiofrequency and cautery, Cryotherapy, Mesotherapy, Jet Peel or hydrafacial, Microcurrent, Electroporation, Dermatoscope and photography equipment etc.25 Hrs


Teaching hours: 540 Hrs                                                                                                                           Max. Marks: 100

  • Assessment of Prakriti:                                                                                                        2 Hrs
  • Determination of rasa panchaka in some common dravyas                               4 Hrs
  1. Plant identification   75 hrs 2. Crude drug identification   75 hrs · Herbarium preparation   45 hrs · Beauty procedures-     1. Techniques of skin assessment on the basic of Prakriti (4 Hrs)   2. Cleansing procedure (5Hrs)   3. Toning procedure (5Hrs)   4. Moisturizing procedure (5Hrs)   5. Tan removal techniques (5Hrs)   6. Face pack formulation &application techniques (20 Hrs)   7. Different types of Ayurveda facials (35 Hrs)   8. Body Massage (15 Hrs)   9. Hair oil techniques (15 Hrs)   Keshaprakshalan (Hair wash techniques)Hair pack formulation & application techniquesDifferent types of Ayurvedic Hair SpaDhoopanSwedanAyurvedic pedicureAyurvedic manicureLip scrub & moisturizing techniquesGandusha&Kawal (Oral care)Kajal application technique as per AyurvedaAromatherapy techniques (10Hrs) (20 Hrs) (35 Hrs) (5Hrs) (5Hrs) (15 Hrs) (15 Hrs) (5 Hrs) (5Hrs) (5Hrs) (10 hrs)   Instrument Handling- Microdermabrader, Radiofrequency and cautery, Flash lamp, Cryotherapy, Mesotherapy, Jet Peel or hydrafacial, Microcurrent,      Electroporation,      Dermatoscope      and photography equipment etc.   (80 Hrs)   Clinical protocol writing exercise on a given problem   15 Hrs Scientific article writing   5 Hrs    

Drug identification-

                                                                                                    2nd Year                                                                                                    PAPER-1 SKIN CARE & DISEASES

Teaching Hours: 135                                                                                                                                Max. Marks- 100

Unit-1 Diseases related to Skin (30 Hrs)

Diagnosis and treatment of Kshudraroga

S.No.Skin Care & DiseasesDuration
1.YuvanpidikaEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Types, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections2 Hrs
2.VyangaEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections.2 Hrs
3.NilikaEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections.2 Hrs
4.NyachhEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections.2 Hrs
5.PashaangardabhEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections2 Hrs
6.ValmikaEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections.2 Hrs
7.KakshaEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections2 Hrs
8.AgnirohiniEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections.2 Hrs
9.ChippaEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections2 Hrs
10.KunakhaEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections2 Hrs
11.AnushayiEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections.2 Hrs
12.VidariEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections.2 Hrs
13.PadadaariEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections2 Hrs
14.KadarEtiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections2 Hrs
15.Alasaka-Etiological factors, Predisposing factors, Clinical features, Treatment, Dietary regulations and Lifestyle corrections2 Hrs

Unit-2 Introduction to Skin Treatments as per Modern (25 Hrs)

1Introduction to Lasers and Flash lamps in the Treatment of Skin Disorders Selective photo thermolysis treatment ofVascular lesionsPigmented lesionsTattoosPort-wine stainsUlcerated infant hemangiomasHair follicles.10 Hrs
 □ Risks and side effects of any laser or flashlamp (intense pulsed light). 
 Introduction to Minimally invasive Treatments and procedures for Ageing Skin.Development and use of minimally invasive Treatments and procedures incorporated into outpatient dermatology practice with low overhead expenditure.Treatments and procedures likeChemical peelsIntradermal fillersBotulinum toxin.Diagnosis and Treatment of main aspects of facial ageing, namelyPhotodamageVolume lossDynamic linesAcne scarsSkin laxityHyperkinetic facial wrinklesRepair of tissue defects after earlobe piercing.Minimal invasive treatments-InnovationsComplications and their management15 Hrs

Unit-3 Cutaneous Drug Reactions (40 Hrs)

1Introduction to Drug Reactions, Cutaneous manifestations of Drug Abuse, Cutaneous reactions to Cytokines and Growth Factors10 Hrs
2Drug reaction- Classification, Epidemiology, Causes, Location, Seriousness, Mechanisms and Monitoring Bodies.10 Hrs
3Cutaneous manifestations of Drug Abuse Morphology and Arrangement of skin lesions associated with drug use,Its relation to the drug itself, mode of drug delivery, and/or adulterants or infectious agents mixed with the drug,Drug addiction-related bacterial infections involving the skin and soft tissue20 Hrs

Unit-4 Skin Allergies & Sun Burn (40 Hrs)

1.Introduction Sun burn & photodamage10 Hrs
2.Eczema – overview, symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, management and treatment15 Hrs
3.Contact dermatitis – overview, symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, management and treatment.5 Hrs
4.Urticaria – overview, symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, management and treatment.5 Hrs
5.Angioedema – overview, symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, management and treatment.5 Hrs


Teaching Hours: 135                                                                                                                                Max. Marks- 100

Unit- 1 Diseases Related to Hair and Scalp ( 60 Hrs)

Diagnosis and treatment of Kshudraroga related to head along with modern aspect

Sl.No.Hair care & DiseasesDuration
1.Khalityaetiological factors, predisposing factors, types, clinical features, treatment, dietary regulations, lifestyle correction12 Hrs
2.Palityaetiological factors, predisposing factors, clinical features, treatment, dietary regulations, lifestyle correction12 Hrs
3.Darunakaetiological factors, predisposing factors, clinical features, treatment, dietary regulations, lifestyle correction12 Hrs
4.Arunshikaetiological factors, predisposing factors, clinical features, treatment, dietary regulations, lifestyle correction12 Hrs
5.Itchy & painful scalp – etiological factors, predisposing factors, clinical features, treatment, dietary regulations, lifestyle correction12 Hrs

Unit-2 Hairwash Technique(15 Hrs)

Sl. No.TopicDuration
1.Ayurvedickeshaprakshalanavidhi – Basic concept of keshaprakshalana in Ayurveda, Steps of keshaprakshalana, Agents/ Herbs for keshaprakshalana, precautions during keshaprakshalana.15 Hrs

Unit-3 Ayurvedic Hair Spa, Ayurvedichairdyes and Hairpacks (35 Hrs)

Sl. No.TopicDuration
1.Ayurvedic Hair Spa – What is Ayurvedic hair spa, steps and techniques of Ayurvedic hair spa, Herbs used in various steps of Ayurvedic hair spa, Instruments used in Ayurvedic hair spa, assessment criteria to choose Herbs in Ayurvedic hair spa , precautions during Ayurvedic hair spa15 Hrs
2.Ayurvedic Hair Dyes – Basic concept of hair dying, types of hair dyes, difference between synthetic and natural hair dyes, Hair dyes for different types of hairs according to Ayurveda, Natural dying agents10 Hrs
3.Hair Packs – Basic concept of hair packs, types of hair packs, procedure to apply hair pack, Herbs used in various hair packs, How to formulate hair pack for different conditions.10 Hrs

Unit-4 Hair Care Techniques (25 Hrs)

1Shiroabhyanga Meaning of Shiroabhyanga, Concept of Murdhini Tail, Indications of Shiroabhyanga, therapeutic value of different oils used for Shiroabhyanga, Procedure of Shiroabhyanga, Knowledge of Marmapoints involved in Shiroabhyanga.Paschat karma afterShiroabhyanga, precautions during and after Shiroabhyanga.10 Hrs
2Shirah Swedan- Introduction     to     Swedan,     Types     of     ShirahSwedan,    Procedure     of ShirahSwedan, Paschat karma afterShirahSwedan, precautions during and5 Hrs
 after ShirahSwedan 
3Dhupana Basic concept of Dhupana, Herbs used inDhupana, procedure of Dhupana, aesthetic and therapeutic uses of Dhupana, precautions during and after Dhupana.5 Hrs
4Other Hair Care Techniques – Knowledge of Basic Concept and Practical Application of ShiroDhara, shirobasti, Pichudharanetc.5 Hrs


Teaching Hours: 135                                                                                                                                Max. Marks- 100

Unit-1 Lipcare, Nail Care, Eye Care, Dental Care through Ayurveda (20 hrs)

S.No.Beauty products and PanchkarmaDuration
1Routine Care related to lips, eyes, nails and teeth etc. including CleansingScrubbingMoisturizing with prakriti specific ayurvedic herbs and preparations.2 hrs
2Knowledgeabout Clinical features, Treatment and Lifestyle corrections of various problems of Lips- Chapped/ Dry lips and Dark lipsEyes- Tired eyes, Dried eyes and Dark Circles under eyesNails- Poor nail growth, Pale nails and Brittle nailsTeeth- Bad breath, Yellow teeth, Dental decay, Toothache and Bleeding gums etc.8 hrs
3Procedures related to lips, eyes, nails and teeth including AkshitarpanaDhantapavan(Dhantuna)JhihwanirlekhanaKavalaGandusha.10 Hrs

Unit-2 Panchvidhakashayakalpana for Beauty Care (30 hrs)

Sl. No.TopicDuration
1.Introduction of classical formulations related to cosmetics: Discussion of ingredients and therapeutic uses10 Hrs
2.PanchvidhakashayaKalpana of various ayurvedic herbs for beauty care SwarasKalkaKwathaShitaPhanta5 Hrs
3.Preparation of classical and cosmetic formulations for aesthetic purposes based on prakriti specific ayurvedic herbs and preparations including o Churan/ powder15 Hrs

Unit-3 Ayurveda Procedures for Beauty Care (85 hrs)

1.Importance of Panchkarma in KshudraRogatreatment4 Hrs
2.Vamana-Types, procedures, uses in management of Kshudraroga9 Hrs
3.Virechana- Types, procedures, uses in management of Kshudraroga9 Hrs
4.Basti- Types, procedures, uses in management of Kshudraroga.9 Hrs
5.Nasya- Types, procedures, uses in management of Kshudraroga9 Hrs
6.Shirovirechana-     Types,      procedures,      uses      in      management      of Kshudraroga9 Hrs
7.Shirobasti- Types, procedures, uses in management of Kshudraroga9 Hrs
8.Raktamokshana-     Types,     procedures,     uses      in     management     of Kshudraroga.9 Hrs
9.Snehanaof various types using various prakriti specific ayurvedic herbs and preparations9 Hrs
10.Swedanaof various types using various prakriti specific ayurvedic herbs and preparations.9 Hrs


Teaching Hours: 135                                                                                                                                Max. Marks- 100

Unit-1 Yoga in cosmetology (100 hrs)

Sl.No.Yoga and Entrepreneurship SkillsDuration
1.Introduction of yoga- Defination and basic knowledge of Ashtanga Yoga, types of Yoga,Yoga therapy20 Hrs
2.Yogic techniques of Body cleansing-ShatKriya5 Hrs
3.Yoga for beauty in Vata, Pitta, KaphaDosha.10 Hrs
4.Principles of Yoga Practices5 Hrs
5.Introduction of Prana, Nadi, Kundlini Chakras10 Hrs
6.Theoretical and practical knowledge of various Yogasanaslike- Suryanamskar,                    Adhomukhasvanasana, Vakrasana, Tadaasana, Chakraasan, Trikonasana, Ushtrasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, , etc.20 Hrs
7.Theoretical                  and                  practical                  knowledge                  of Pranayyama,DhyanMudras,Mantra,YogNindra10 Hrs
8.Development of guided Yoga practice sessions10 Hrs
9.Professional mentoring10 Hrs

Unit 2- Skill Development (25 hrs)

Sl. No.TopicDuration
1.Introduction to personality development- Definition and basics of personality, body language, analyzing strengths and weaknesses2 Hrs
2.Techniques     of     personality     development-    communication    skills, confidence     building,     working     on     attitudes,     leadership     quality development, team building5 Hrs
3.Relationship and stress management- Analysis of ego states, causes of stress and its management, conflict management2 Hrs
4.Time management- Importance and need, steps of time management2 Hrs
5.Entrepreneurship skills- Introduction to Entrepreneurship, knowledge of achievement motivation and positive psychology, risk assessments, SWOT analysis etc.7 Hrs
6.Finance management- banking and sources of finance, working capital management, costing and pricing, Insurance etc.7 Hrs

Unit-3 Legal Aspects related to cosmetology (10 hrs)

Sl. No.TopicDuration
1.Drugs & Cosmetic act1 Hr
2.Legal terms of cosmetology & cosmetics1 Hr
3.Approval of herbs, minerals, preservatives, etc. used in cosmetics2 Hrs
4.Cosmetic law and regulations2.5 Hrs
5.Cosmetic labelling guidelines0.5 Hrs
6.Licenses1 Hr
7.IPR & Patents1 Hr
8.Pharmacovigilance1 Hr


Teaching Hours: 540 Hrs                                                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100

  • Formulation preparations- 100hrs
    • Classical formulations- tail paka, Malhar, Churna, Lepa, arka etc.- 50 Hrs
    • Cosmetic preparations like- gel, ointment, cream, lotion, kajal, lip balm etc.- 50 hrs
    • Yoga- 150 Hrs
  • Asana- Suryanamskar, Adhomukhasvanasana, Vakrasana, Tadaasana, Chakraasan, Trikonasana, Ushtrasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, , etc (75 Hrs)
  • Pranayam&Dhyana- Anulom- vilom, Bhramrai, Sheetali, Bhastrikaetc. (50 hrs)
  • Mudra-Pran mudra, Kaki mudra, Aadi mudra etc. (25 Hrs)
    • OPD duty (including Panchkarma)– 290 hrs

□ Students have to submit a dissertation or case reports of at least 50 patients to fulfill the criteria for degree.

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