M.Sc. in Ayurveda Diet & Nutrition – Poshanahara (Interdisciplinary)



National Institute of Ayurveda is a premium institute under Ministry of AYUSH. It is a deemed university running various academic programs in Ayurveda such as BAMS, MD/MS, Ph.D., DANP & Certificate Courses. Recently, NIA has launched Post-Graduate Interdisciplinary M.Sc. courses.One among the course is related to Ayurveda Diet & Nutrition – Poshanahara (Interdisciplinary).


      • Empowers to teach health seekers and patients about the important benefits of Ayurveda Diet and Nutrition (Poshanahara) along with living (lifestyle).

      • Add on to existing professional practice.

      • Addition to this,

    · Basic understanding of the body and mind according to the  Ayurveda.

    · Recognize and categorize the various body Prakriti (constitutions) of the visitors

    · Enable to advise the constitutional method of diet and Ayurveda lifestyle

    · Ensures the qualitative food selection and preparation techniques 

    · Enrich the knowledge to tackle the impact of   seasonal variations with reference to lifestyle and food.

    · Cultivate to understand the every facets of health viz., physical, mental, social and emotional domain of the health seeker.


    Shall get the opportunity to serve in Panchakarma Unit as a Samsarjana Karma  Specialist 

    · Have a scope to get involved in the Ayurveda Hospitals as a Ayurveda Dietician

    · May get opportunity to serve in the Naturopathy (Nisargopachara) Hospitals as a  Food advisor 

    · Can serve as Yogic Ahara Specialist in various Yoga Centers.

    Other Departments (Specialities)

      Equivalent Term
    Poshanahara Ayurvedic Diet & Nutrition
    Ayurveda Manuscriptology Ayurveda Manuscriptology
    Ayur-Yoga Preventive Cardiology Ayurveda Preventive Cardiology
    Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda Bheshaj Marmalogy & Sports Medicine
    Saundarya Ayurveda Ayurveda Cosmetology
    Vrikshayurveda Prevention, Cultivation & Development of Medicinal Plants

    Degree to be Awarded

    Department Degree to be awarded
    Poshanahara M.Sc. in Ayurveda Diet and Nutrition (Poshanahara)
    Ayurveda Manuscriptology M.Sc. in Ayurveda Manuscriptology
    Ayur-Yoga Preventive Cardiology M.Sc. in  Ayur-Yoga Preventive Cardiology
    Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda Bheshaj M.Sc. in Marmalogy and Sports Medicine (Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda Bheshaj )
    Saundarya Ayurveda M.Sc. in Saundarya Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Cosmetology)
    Vrikshayurveda M.Sc. in Vrikshayurveda-


    2 Seats in each department


    Department Eligible Criteria
    Poshanahara BAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ B.Sc in Dietetics/M.Sc in Dietetics/ B.Sc in Food and Nutrition
    Ayurveda Manuscriptology BAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ M.A in Sanskrit
    Ayur-Yoga Preventive Cardiology BAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ Other AYUSH graduates
    Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda Bheshaj BAMS/BSMS/BHMS/BUMS/BNYS/MBBS/ Other AYUSH graduates
    Saundarya Ayurveda BAMS/BSMS/BUMS/BHMS/BYN/MBBS/ Or Equivalent Medical degree/ B.Sc. in Skin Care and Aesthetic Medicine or any equivalent degree
    Vrikshayurveda BAMS/BSMS/B.Sc. (Agriculture) /B.Sc. (Horticulture)/ B.Sc. (Forestry)/ Any other Science Graduate passed with minimum 50% Marks




        • 50% marks will be from the respective field

        • Remaining 50% will be based on the general knowledge, current affairs and computer knowledge.





            • NO PROVISION AS OF NOW.


          1ST YEAR Rs. 29650/- + REFUNDABLE Rs, 8000/- TOTAL = Rs.37650/-
          2ND YEAR Rs. 26650/-


          1st Year M.Sc.

          Paper 1 Basics of Ayurveda 180 Hrs.
            Unit: 1  
          1. Definition and components of Ayu, definition and aim of Ayurveda, Brief introduction of Ayurveda Samhitas. 4
          2. Definition of Swasthapurush, introduction of parameters of Swasthya and Tray-upastambha. 6
          3. Introduction of concept of Panchmahabhuta theory, Tridosha theory and Lokasamyapurush. 6
          4. Introduction of concept of Saptadhatu, Mala and Ojus 4
          5. Introduction of concept of Srotas 3
          6. Introduction of concept of Prakriti, Mana andAtma 5
          7. Introduction of concept of Raspanchaka 7
          8. Introduction of Panchvidhakshayakalpana 2
          9. The concept of Roga, Main etiological factors, Chikitsa and its types 4
          10. Introduction of various sections/departments of Ayurveda and their specific activities 14
            Unit: 2  
          11. Definition of word research and classification of research – (pure/applied; qualitative/quantitative; observational and interventional) 5
          12. Historical background of research in Ayurveda 2
          13. Introduction to Classical methods of research-Aptopdesh, Pratyaksha Anuman and Yukti 6
          14. Research process- Brief introduction of Selection of topic, Review of literature, Formulation of hypothesis, Aims and objectives, Materials and methods, Observation and Results. 4
          15. Concept of ethics in research 2
          16. Publication of research, Structuring of article (IMRAD) 4
          17. Brief introduction of Medical Statistics 2
          18. Collection and presentation of data 4
          19. Definition of Average, Percentile, Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Standard Deviation and Standard Error 5
          20. Parametric and Non-parametric tests 6
            Unit: 3  
          21. Introduction to Swastha 2
          22. Introduction to Swasthavritta 2
          23. Importance of Swasthavritta 2
          24. Introduction to Dinacharya 4
          25. Introduction to Sandhya and Ritucharya 4
          26. Introduction to Madhyana Charya 3
          27. Introduction to Ratri Charya 3
          28. Introduction to Sadvritta 2
          29. Introduction to Achara Rasayna 2
          30. Introduction to Rasayna 3
          31. Introduction to Vajikarna 1
          32. Introduction to Vega dharna 3
          33. Introduction to Ahara 4
          34. Introduction to Food – Modern Concept 4
          35. Importance of Ahara / Food – Ayurved and Modern Concept 4

          Paper 2: Ayurveda Lifestyle

          Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100

          Paper 2 Ayurveda Lifestyle 180 Hrs
          1. Concept of Swasthavritta, various definition of Swastha according to various classical texts. 20
          2. Shareerika Prakriti – Vataja, Pttaja, Kaphaja, Dwandwaja, Tridoshaja 20
          3. ManasikaPrakriti – Satvika, Rajasika, Tamasika 10
          4. Components of Dinacharya Introduction 10
          5. BramhaMuhurtaJagarana, Ushapana, MalamutraVisarjana, Achamana, Danthadhavana, JiwhaNirlekhana, Kavala, Gandusha, Nasya, Anjana, Dhumapana, Abhyanga, Vyayama, Snana, VastraDharana, Anulepana 30
          6. Physiological effect of Dinacharya Modules 20
          7. Detail description of components in various classical text of Ayurveda – Samhita 20
          8. Detail description of components in various classical text of Ayurveda – Nighantu 20
          9. Introduction and Classification of Ritucharya 10
          10. Hemantha Ritu, Shishira Ritu, Vasanta Ritu, Grishma Ritu, Varsha Ritu, Pravritt Ritu, Sharad Ritu 40
          11. Dharniya Vega &Adharanadharaniya, 5
          12. Definition, Importance, Types of Vega 5
          13. Adharaniya Vega: Types, Physiological effect of Vega, Adverse effect of ill practice of the concept 10
          14. Dharaniya Vega :Types, Physiological effect of Vega, Adverse effect of ill practice of the concept 10
          15. Definition,     Types,     Pramana    ,     Yogya&Ayogya    of     Diva     swapna, Ratrijagarana, 10
          16. Physiology of Sleep, Pathology of Insomnia 10
          17. Definition, Method to practice, Benefits and Advantage 10
          18. Definition, Types 10
          19. Ayurveda and Modern concept of Immunity, Immunization
              180 Hrs

          Paper 3: Ayurveda Food and Nutrition

          Teaching hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100

          Paper 3 Ayurveda Food and Nutrition 180 Hrs
          1. Definition, Importance 5
          2. Concept of Ahara in various classics 10
          3. Agni 10
          4. Ahara Pachana Kriya 10
          5. Concept of Pathya, Satmya and Hitaahara 20
          6. Astahara Vidhivishesha Ayatana 30
          7. Dwadasha Ashana Pravicharana 30
          8. Virudha Ahara 30
          9. Various classification of the food articles 5
          10. Shukha Dhanya Varga 10
          11. Shami Dhanya Varga 10
          12. Shimbi Dhanya Varga 10
          13. Shaaka Varga 10
          14. Phala Varga 10
          15. Harita Varga 10

          16. Mamsa Varga 10
          17. KsheeraVarga 10
          18. Ikshu Varga 10
          19. Ahara Upayoga Varga 10
          20. Kritanna varga 20
              180 Hrs

          Paper 4: Modern Food and Nutrition

          Teaching hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100

          Paper 4 Modern Food and Nutrition 180 Hrs
          1. Introduction, Importance, Classification 5
          2. Nutrients in Food – Macronutrients 5
          3. Nutrients in Food – Micronutrients 5
          4. Carbohydrates structure 5
          5. Carbohydrates classification 5
          6. Food sources 5
          7. Nutritional disorders of Carbohydrates 5
          8. Proteins structure 5
          9. proteins classification 5
          10. Food sources 5
          11. Nutritional disorders of proteins 5
          12. Lipids and Fats structure 5
          13. Lipids and Fats classification 5
          14. Food Source of Fats and Oil 5
          15. Vitamins – Introduction 5
          16. Classification 5
          17. Water soluble vitamins 5
          18. Fat soluble vitamins 5
          19. Sources and deficiency disorders 5
          20. Minerals Introduction 5
          21. Minerals classification 5
          22. Source 5
          23. Junk Food and fast Food 5
          24. Deficiency disorders 5
          25. Balance Diet 5
          26. Balanced Diet and Deficiency 5
          27. Nutrition Requirements for Susceptible Population 5
          28. Daily requirements (RDA) 5
          29. Adulteration 5
          30. Food Standards – AGMARK, ISI etc 5
          31. Basic Food Laws and Regulations 10
          32. Food Processing 10
          33. Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruits, Oils, Mellitus, Oils and Fats, Non-Vegetarians 10

          Practical of M.Sc. First Year

          Teaching Hours: 360 Hrs.                                                                                                            Max. Marks: 100

          Sl.No Title of the Work 360 Hrs.
          1. Assessment of Tridosha 10
          2. Assessment of Dhatu 10
          3. Assessment of Agni 10
          4. Assessment of Prakriti 10
          5. Collection of Data 4
          6. Assessment of Data 4
          7. Random Sampling Method demonstration 6
          8. Testing the Hypothesis 4
          9. Statistical Tests 6
          10. Dinachary Modalities 16
          11. Assessment of Ritu 6
          12. Assessment of Nidra 6
          13. Preparation of Modules according to Healthy Individuals 6
          14. Identification of Grains, Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruits, Oils & Fats etc. 30
          15. Visit to Fields – Food factories, Preservation centers etc 30
          16. Visit to Diet Institutes 30
          17. Preparation of List of Modern Food 10
          18. Adulteration Testing 20
          19. Visit to Food Industries 30
          20. Visit to Food Store house 20
          21. Visit to Milk Dairy 10
          22. Visit to Poultry Form 20
          23. Diet Plan module according to Age, Sex, Occupation, 10
          24. Report preparation on the visit to various industries 10
          25. 5 Proforma preparation, Case Sheet Preparation 7
          26. Also Includes Departmental Presentation, Case Presentation, Journal Presentation 35
            Total 360

          2nd Year M.Sc.

          Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100

          Paper 1 Ayurveda Ahara and Seasonal Diet 180 Hrs.
          1. General concept of Diet according to the Seasons 5
          2. Importance of diet according to various seasons 5
          3. Diet according to Hemnata Ritu 20
          4. Diet according to Shishira Ritu 20
          5. Diet according to Vasanta Ritu 20
          6. Diet according to Grishma Ritu 20
          7. Diet according to Varsha Ritu 20
          8. Diet according to Pravrut Ritu 20
          9. Diet according to Sharad Ritu 20
          10. Diet during natural calamities 10
          11. Diet during Travelling to extreme climatical condition 10
          12. Diet during Jet lag 05
          13. Diet during the Night shift 05
              180 Hrs

          Paper 2: Ahara Samskara and Kritanna Varga

          Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100

          Paper 2 Ahara Samskara and KritannaVarga 180 Hrs.
          1. Introduction to KritannaVarga 5
          2. Various method of cooking – Ayurveda and Modern Dietetics 10
          3. Preparation of Manda 5
          4. Preparation of Peya 10
          5. Preparation of Vilepi 10
          6. Preparation of Odhana 10
          7. Preparation of Raga 10
          8. Preparation of Shandava 10
          9. Preparation of Khala 10
          10. Preparation of Kambalika 10
          11. Preparation of Pupilika 10
          12. Preparation of Vataka 10
          13. Preparation of Rotika 10
          14. Preparation of Dhaal 10
          15. Preparation of Shaka 10
          16. Preparation of Yusha 5
          17. Preparation of Supa 5
          18. Preparation of Saktu Etc 10
          19. all preparation methods along with the benefits, indication and contraindication 10
          20. Setting up the Ayurveda Kitchen 10
              180 Hrs.

          Paper 3: Diet according to Constitution, Age, Occupation and Diseases (Planning and Preparation)

          Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100

          Paper 3 Diet according to Constitution, Age, Occupation and Diseases (Planning and Preparation) 180 Hrs.
          1. Diet in Healthy individuals 10
          2. Diet according to Constitution 10
          3. Diet in Childhood 10
          4. Diet in Adolescent 10
          5. Diet in School going Children 10
          6. Diet in Pregnancy 10
          7. Diet for Lactating women 10
          8. Diet in Post Labour 10
          9. Diet according to occupation 10
          10. Diet in Geriatrics 10
          11. Diet in Youth 10
          12. Diet in Sports 10
          13. Diet pattern for preservation and promotion of health 10
          14. Diet for Yogies/Bramha chari 10
          15. Diet for Vegetarian Individual 10
          16. Diet for Non Vegetarian Individual 10
          17. Diet for Western Population 10
          18. Diet for Contemporary Food 10
              180 Hrs

          Paper 4: Diet according to Diseases

          Teaching Hours: 180 (Theory)                                                                                                   Max. Marks: 100

          Paper 4 Diet according to Diseases 180 Hrs.
          1. Diet and lifestyle according to disorders 5
          2. Diet and lifestyle in Communicable diseases in general 10
          3. Diet and lifestyle in Non-Communicable diseases in general 10
          4. Diet pattern and lifestyle in the Risk group individual 10
          5. Diet and lifestyle in Jwara 10
          6. Diet and lifestyle Rakta Pitta 10
          7. Diet and lifestyle Amla Pitta 10
          8. Diet and lifestyle Grhini Roga 10
          9. Diet and lifestyle Hrudaya Roga 10
          10. Diet and lifestyle Amavata 10
          11. Diet and lifestyle Kamala and Pandu Roga 10
          12. Diet and lifestyle Sandhi Vata 10
          13. Diet and lifestyle Sthaulya 10
          14. Diet and lifestyle Stri Roga 10
          15. Diet and lifestyle Prameha / Madhumeha 10
          16. Diet and lifestyle Renal calculi 5
          17. Diet and lifestyle Ano rectal disorders 5
          18. Diet and lifestyle Skin disorders in general 5
          19. Diet and lifestyle Arbudaroga (Cancer) 10
          20. Diet and lifestyle Nidra Nasha 5
          21. Diet in Pandemic /Infectious diseases 5
              180 Hrs

          Practical of M.Sc. 2nd Year

          Teaching Hours: 360 Hrs.                                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100

          Sl.No Points of Practical 360 Hrs.
          1. Diet Preparation for Hemanta Ritu & Shishira Ritu 12
          2. Diet Preparation for Vasanta Ritu 12
          3. Diet Preparation for Grishma Ritu 22
          4. Diet Preparation for Pravrut Ritu & Varsha Ritu 22
          5. Diet Preparation for Sharad Ritu 22
          6. Various types of Manda 5
          7. Various types of Peya 5
          8. Various types of Vilepi 10
          9. Various types of Odhana 10
          10. Various types of Raga & Shandava 10
          11. Various types of Khala & Kambalika 10
          12. Various types of Pupilika 10
          13. Various types of Vataka 10
          14. Various types of Rotika 10
          15. Various types of Dhaal, Shaka 5
          16. Various types of Yusha, Supa, Saktu 5
          17. Diet Preparation for Vataja Prakriti 5
          18. Diet Preparation for PittajaP rakriti 5
          19. Diet Preparation for Kaphaja Prakriti 5
          20. Diet in Manasika Prakriti 5
          21. Diet preparation in Garbhnin 10
          22. Diet preparation for Prasuta Avastha 5

          23. Diet preparation for Balya Avastha 10
          24. Diet preparation for Taruna Avastha 5
          25. Diet preparation for Yuva Avastha 10
          26. Diet preparation for Vrudda Avastha 5
          27. Diet preparation for Sports person 10
          28. Diet preparation for Yoga abhyasa 5
          29. Diet for Vegetarian and Non vegetarian person 10
          30. Diet Preparation for Santarpana Janya Vikara 5
          31. Diet Preparation for Apatarpana janya Vikara 5
          32. Diet Preparation for Diabetes 5
          33. Diet Preparation for Cancer 5
          34. Diet Preparation for Muculo- Skeletal Disorders 5
          35. Diet Preparation for cardiac Disorders 5
          36. Diet Preparation for Neural Disorders 5
          37. Diet Preparation for Psychological Disorders 5
          38. Diet Preparation for Skin disorder 5
          39. Diet in Post Operative condition 5
          40. Diet in Burn 5
          41. Visit to Diet unit of naturopathy center 5
          42. Visit to diet section of Cancer center 5
          43. Visit to diet section of Diabetic center 5
          44. Visit to diet section of Tuberculosis center 5
          45. Visit to diet section of AIDS/HIV center 5
          46. Diet module according to diseases 5
          47. OPD IPD Pathya Ahara Unit posting 5
              360 Hrs


          M.Sc. in Ayurveda Diet and Nutrition (Poshanahara)


          M.Sc. in Ayurveda Manuscriptology


          M.Sc. in  Ayur-Yoga Preventive Cardiology


          M.Sc. in Marmalogy and Sports Medicine (Marma Chikitsa evam Kreeda Bheshaj )


          M.Sc. in Saundarya Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Cosmetology)


          M.Sc. in Vrikshayurveda-


          CRAV Course


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