Ashtanga Hridaya-Matrashitiya Adhyaya

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Topic: Ashtanga Hridaya-Matrashitiya Adhyaya
All the best!

"शोफोऽक्षिगण्डयोः" is attributed to ……………… अजीर्ण

"……………... महाघोरं वर्जयेद्विषसंज्ञकम्|"

"मिश्रं पथ्यमपथ्यं च भुक्तं ………….. मतम्|"

Which drug is indicated at night for maintaining eye health

"शान्तिरामविकाराणां भवति तु ……………...|"

तत्राल्पे ……. पथ्यं, मध्ये…………... || प्रभूते………………..., तद्धि मूलादुन्मूलयेन्मलान्| Fill in sequential order

"वाक्सङ्ग" is attributed to ……………… दोष लक्षण in आमप्रदोषज विकार

One among the following is not सामान्य अजीर्ण लक्षण

"विद्यात् ……….. भूयो भुक्तस्योपरि भोजनम्|"

Identify the correct indication for "गुरुद्रव्यसेवन"

"स्तम्भ" is attributed to ……………… दोष लक्षण in आमप्रदोषज विकार

Which of the following is not considered as "आमप्रदोषजविकार"

Ideal अनुपान for कृश

Ideal अनुपान for शोष

"अश्रद्धा हृद्व्यथा …...ऽप्युद्गारे रसशेषतः| "

"अकाले बहु चाल्पं वा भुक्तं तु …………….|"

………………. सर्वकालं स्यान्मात्रा ह्यग्नेः प्रवर्तिका|

Ideal अनुपान for अल्पाग्नि

Identify the correct indication for "लघुद्रव्यसेवन"

One should consume षड्रसयुक्त आहार with ………………. रस dominance

"शूलादीन् कुरुते तीव्रांश्छर्द्यतीसारवर्जितान्|" is said with respect to …………..

Ideal अनुपान for स्थूल is

The Name of the 8th Chapter of Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana is

Who are considered under "पानं त्यजेयुः"

Generally, रसशेषाजीर्ण should be treated by ……

"सद्योभुक्त इव उद्गार" is attributed to ……………… अजीर्ण

Benefits of following "जीर्णाशने तु भैषज्यं युञ्ज्यात् स्तब्धगुरूदरे"

"भ्रम" is attributed to ……………… अजीर्ण

Generally, विदग्धाजीर्ण should be treated by ……

"आध्मान" is attributed to ……………… अजीर्ण

Generally, आमाजीर्ण should be treated by ……

कुक्षि भाग संख्या according to वाग्भट

"प्रलय" is attributed to ……………… दोष लक्षण in आमप्रदोषज विकार

One among the following is not a part of "न शीलयेत् द्रव्य"

अतिवृद्ध विसूचिका should be treated by ……………….

One among the following is not a part of "शीलयेत् द्रव्य"

Generally, विष्टब्धाजीर्ण should be treated by ……

"त्यजेदाशुकारिणम्" is atrributed to

"अलसं क्षोभितं दोषैः ……….. एव संस्थितम्।"

चिकित्सा सिद्धान्त for अलसक is…...

Which रस is indicated during भोजनमध्ये

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