Dravyadivijnaneeyam – A.H. Su. 9

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Topic: Dravyadivijnaneeyam - A.H. Su. 9
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विरुद्धगुणसंयोगे ……………………. हि जीयते।

………………….. गुण is attributed to पार्थिव द्रव्य

………………….. गुण is attributed to आप्य द्रव्य

अम्ल विपाक is attributed to ……. रस

………………….. गुण is attributed to आकाशीय द्रव्य

सङ्घात कर्म is attributed to ……………………..द्रव्य

शीतवीर्य द्रव्य are ………………………. दोषशामक

Identify the वीर्य which is not a part of अष्टविधवीर्य

Among महाभूत, ………. is considered as योनि for द्रव्य उत्पत्ति

………………….. गुण is attributed to तैजस द्रव्य

प्रह्लाद कर्म is attributed to ……………………..द्रव्य

सौषिर्य कर्म is attributed to ……………………..द्रव्य

विचार कर्म is attributed to ……………………..द्रव्य

Identify the द्रव्य which has दीपन प्रभाव

वामकद्रव्य are dominant with …………………….. महाभूत

यव is ………………….

………………….. गुण is attributed to वायवीय द्रव्य

मधुर विपाक is not attributed ……. रस

ग्लानि कर्म is attributed to ……………………..द्रव्य

Identify the द्रव्य which has विरेचन प्रभाव

………………….. गुण is attributed to पार्थिव द्रव्य

Identify विचित्रप्रत्ययारब्ध द्रव्य

कटु विपाक is not attributed to ……. रस

विरेचकद्रव्य are dominant with …………………….. महाभूत

प्रकाश कर्म is attributed to ……………………..द्रव्य

उष्णवीर्य द्रव्य are ………………………. दोषशामक

विष्यन्द कर्म is attributed to ……………………..द्रव्य

………………….. गुण is attributed to वायवीय द्रव्य

Arrange in decreasing order of dominance

………………….. गुण is attributed to आकाशीय द्रव्य

Identify the द्रव्य which has विरेचन प्रभाव

रसादिसाम्ये यत् कर्म …………. तत् प्रभावजम्|

Identify the गुण found both in वायवीय-आकाशीय द्रव्य

…… एव रसादीनां श्रेष्ठं, ते हि तदाश्रयाः|

How are रस-गुण residing in the same द्रव्य?

………………….. गुण is attributed to आप्य द्रव्य

The Name of the 9th Chapter of Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana is

Identify सामान्यप्रत्ययारब्ध द्रव्य

………………….. गुण is attributed to तैजस द्रव्य

Among महाभूत, ………. is considered as अधिष्ठान for द्रव्य उत्पत्ति

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